It takes a village Hub permanent location

$123 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 12 months

Your contribution means we are able to help more families, every single day we are getting requests for help to provide a family in need.


We are a Canterbury based charity, providing free baby and toddler bundles to families that need a little extra help, there is no means testing involved, we just try to help where we can.

Over the past 3 years we have been able to do this as part of our day to day lives, from the comfort of our homes, however during the past 12 months, the need has grown significantly, and whilst we raise the profile of our programme, we are also contacting local NZ businesses for donations. Because we can't pick and chose our donations, we have to take what we can, this means we may have heaps of size 1, but no size 00, or 3.

This year we have come to realise that its no longer practical or safe to store the donations of clothing, shoes, nappies, bibs, socks, wipes, hairbrushes, toys, books, playmats and all of the other essential items that we provide in these bundles, we need a dedicated space (plus our partners would like to park their cars in the garage!)

We are seeking funds to help us house, prepare the bundles, secure and store those valuable company donations (like the 180 hairbrushes that were kindly donated by Mita!!!) until we distribute them to families in need.

If you have a little one, you know just how much these type of bundles can help, 7 days worth of clothing and all of the other items that a child or baby needs are so valuable to the parents, a baby bath, a cot, a ride on toy - can make life so much easier, but they are expensive, especially if you have just found yourself in financial hardship.

The members of our Facebook groups are happy to donate these items to avoid the waste to landfill, and we are proud and honored to be able to help families, we just need to be able to do this without putting our team at risk. We would love your support!

About us

We are a Canterbury based, registered Charity. We provide free Baby and Toddler bundles to families that need a little extra help - for whatever reason.

Use of funds

The use of all funds raised will be to put towards the running and upkeep of a secure location for the storage and distribution of our free Baby and Toddler bundles.

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Latest update

Thank you  30 March 2022

Thank you to everyone who donated to our our givealittle we have been lucky enough to now have a location in New Brighton thanks to your support we were able to make this happen.

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Latest donations

Susan on 03 Jun 2021
A great cause Jess. All the best with the charity and all the good work you're doing . Susan
It Takes a Village Canterbury

Thank you so much for your donation and support Susan!

It Takes a Village Canterbury
Erin on 22 May 2021
It Takes a Village Canterbury

Thanks for your donation.

It Takes a Village Canterbury
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 May 2021
Lesley on 12 May 2021
Kia ora all, I am sorry I'm unable to koha more, I love to work you all have done and still continue to do through out our community keep up the good work. 💕
bridget on 04 May 2021

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, It Takes a Village Canterbury (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Apr 2021 and ended on 30 Mar 2022.