Let's make Riverlink better for biking.
Lower Hutt, Wellington
People on bikes will lose out if Riverlink is approved without changes.
Hutt cycling advocates are fighting to make sure the needs of people on bikes are met. We need to get more people biking to cut carbon, cut congestion, and improve health. Let's not miss this opportunity to make cycling better.
Riverlink (https://www.riverlink.co.nz) is a big project in central Lower Hutt to:
- Widen the Hutt River to prevent flooding
- Build a huge interchange at Melling, and a new bridge over the widened river
- “Turn the Hutt CBD towards the river”
The project will cost over $700 million, but biking has been side-lined in current plans. The consent process forces us to fight this in court, and we need to ask for donations to pay expert witnesses.
All donations will be used exclusively for cycle advocacy. If any excess funds remain at the conclusion of the case, they will be used for similar advocacy in future.
Let's not miss out on the opportunity to make cycling better.
CAN is the national voice for people on bicycles in New Zealand.
Cycling Action Network (CAN) is New Zealand's national charity for people who ride bikes.
Pivotal to arguing our case is the input of expert traffic planners and engineers.
We need $15-20k for the transport expert or our voices won't be heard by decision-makers at the Environment Court.
We already have a legal expert (lawyer) who is helping us at no cost. Thanks!
Today we're in Court, fighting for better cycling 26 April 2022
Today the Riverlink hearing began in the Environment Court - with cycling being the biggest issue in contention.
Many thanks to the many who have done a huge amount of work, and those who have made significant donations, to get us to this point.
The hearing runs until Friday. Our experts are helping us make the case for high quality cycling routes with great connections south, west, north and east.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks Andrew. It was a big step for us to commit to the Environment Court process. but that's what it takes to get a better outcome for people biking, and walking.
Thanks! It's a David and Goliath battle. We're up against Waka Kotahi, who want to do the bare minimum to make cycling better in the Hutt. Not acceptable, so we're holding them to account.