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First Squirrel racechair in NYC Marathon!!

$786 of $8,500 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in around 6 months

Supporting me so I can support and encourage others with disabilities. NYC Marathon in race wheelchair, wearing a squirrel suit, under 3hrs!

Greenlane, Auckland

I'm Lee Warn and I've been in wheelchair for 35 years. I've accomplished a lot, from being the first wheelchair to climb up the SkyTower, to being the first solo racechair to push around Lake Taupo... I want to encourage everyone with a disability to strive to achieve more. Push yourself, and do the best you can.

This is a mammoth endeavor, but with your support, I know I can achieve this goal. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in helping me reach my dream, of being the first ever race wheelchair completing the Abbotts six star medal in a squirrel suit.

Thank you in advance for your support, and for believing in me and my abilities. Together, we can show the world that no obstacle is too great to overcome. Let's make this dream a reality, one step at a time. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with me. 🐿👍

Anyone that donates $500.00 or over, is eligible for a gifted speaking engagement from me! You could also pass this on to your local business, school or other (like a pass the parcel - Please make sure to choose to share your email address). Then I can be a gift, that keeps giving! Thanks to you.

Most people are chasing first. Not enough people are chasing fun.

To donate and support my journey, check out this GiveALittle page, for more info on me, please visit my page [].

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Use of funds

Funds go towards flights, accommodation, etc and plans for NYC Marathon as well. Total costs $8,600nzd

Anything above this amount (I am hopeful), will be put into the other upcoming races in future Six Star medal series.

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Done and dusted :-)  12 November 2024

Oh wow, what a roller coaster ride the last few months were. Thank you so much for all your support, and if you haven't seen any of my posts, we did it!!

NYC had a squirrel finish the marathon 😀 yeah baby, yeah...

I couldn't have done it without the support of event reading this, with you behind me, anything is possible.

Cheers again, and for a while I'll rest, next year, couple small events, then big surgery... followed by the next 4 majors!! Woop-woop!!

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Activity tracking

Time spent exercising: 67 hrs 30 mins
Total distance covered: 575.2 km

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Leo Sayer - Easy to Loce(tapering training) 5,10 x3 40sec, 5m CD  26 October 2024

35 mins
4.2 km

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Latest donations

Mrs Karin
Mrs Karin on 30 Jul 2024
For working so hard, lots of love from auntie Karin xxx
Lee Warn

Thanks a bunch Aunty 👌🐿🥰

Lee Warn
Mark on 22 Jul 2024
Great work Lee. You’ve got this. Cheers. Mark
Lee Warn

Oh yaks a bunch Mark 🐿👍 I appreciate yr belief in me

Lee Warn
Anna on 09 Jul 2024
Have a fun race Squirrel & hugs X
Lee Warn

Thanks mum 🥰🥰🤣🐿 big hugs

Lee Warn
Leah on 15 Jun 2024
Lee Warn

Hey Leah, thank u so much!! 🐿🥰😀 means a lot to me

Lee Warn
Amanda on 14 Jun 2024
You are amazing mate, such an inspiration, I love your enthusiasm for life
Lee Warn

Oh wow, thanks so much for yr donation :-)

Lee Warn

Who's involved?

Lee Warn's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lee Warn
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2024 and ended on 15 Nov 2024.