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NZRA: Remembrance for the unmarked soldier

$360 of $15,000 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in one year

We owe a debt to those who served NZ in time of war. We are seeking donations to provide service people with unmarked graves a headstone.


It has been over 100 years since the guns fell silent on the battlefields of the First World War and every year since, New Zealanders have spoken the oath - promising to remember the men and women who served at the going down of the sun.

In cemeteries around New Zealand there are potentially hundreds of returned service people in unmarked graves that lack a marker, headstone, or nameplate indicating who is buried there.

Some were buried without a funeral or a permanent headstone and were not provided with an official commemoration.

The New Zealand Remembrance Army (NZRA) aims to give these service people, who fought for our country, the recognition they deserve and ensure that their contribution is not ignored and forgotten.

In what is currently an empty patch of earth, we are trying to give back a soldier their name and face, reconnect them with a family, and remember their extraordinary story.

In one cemetery alone, our volunteers have identified six service people who were buried without any form of recognition. One of these is an ANZAC veteran wounded twice at Gallipoli.

We are seeking donations to help assist in the task of providing these people with unmarked graves a headstone. To do this we have established this give a little donation page for people to support us to raise funding to assist in marking thier grave.

The NZRA is striving to raise $15,000 that will see six to ten unmarked graves of service people across New Zealand, receive a fitting memorial and service. Some of the other costs for a headstone or bronze plaque will be met by Veterans Affairs New Zealand.

We also need your help to try and find surviving family to consent before any work could be done on the graves.

After the funding is received the NZRA is hopeful that in six to 12 months we will have the permanent plaques and headstones installed.

About us

The New Zealand Remembrance Army is a charitable trust set up to foster volunteer groups across New Zealand to restore service headstones and memorials. All restoration is done freely and volunteers carry out the work in their local communities.

Use of funds

The NZRA is striving to raise $15,000 for 6 to 10 unmarked graves of service people to receive a fitting memorial and service. Once funding has been raised the NZRA will install permanent plaques and headstones, in time for the following ANZAC Day.

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Latest donations

Craig on 23 Dec 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Sep 2021
Keep up the good work Ka maumahara tonu tatou Ki a ratou
Peter on 21 Sep 2021
We will not forget them
Jan on 11 Sep 2021
Matakana War Memorial
Matakana War Memorial on 28 Aug 2021

Who's involved?

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 10 Mar 2021 and ended on 10 Mar 2022.