New Zealand Remembrance Army - War Graves and Memorials Appeal

New Zealand Remembrance Army - War Graves and Memorials Appeal

It takes just $5 to ensure that two war graves are cleaned and maintained. By donating you are helping preserve their memory for the future.


Welcome to the New Zealand Remembrance Army - War Graves and Memorials Appeal.

‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them’. Thanks to the New Zealand Remembrance Army – Te Taua Manaaki o Ngā Morehu (NZRA) these are words taking on renewed significance.

Across Aotearoa New Zealand, our teams are honouring the sacrifice of those who served by returning dignity to their graves. Our vision is to have every service grave pristine, every service contribution remembered.

By donating to the New Zealand Remembrance Army you’re helping us to respectfully clean, restore and preserve headstones that symbolise the memory of our service men and women for future generations to pay their respects.

We are seeking donations to provide service people with unmarked graves a headstone. In cemeteries around New Zealand there are potentially hundreds of soldiers in unmarked graves that lack a headstone indicating who is buried there.

There are over 350,000 estimated service graves in New Zealand. Many of these sit uncared for in public cemeteries.

For the NZRA, remembrance is not just on ANZAC Day - its every day. The ode from For the Fallen sees renewed meaning through our work. Because no one that served should face the indignity of an unreadable grave, in an ill maintained cemetery, forgotten by time and compliancy.

More about us

The New Zealand Remembrance Army is a charitable trust set up to foster volunteer groups across New Zealand to restore service headstones and memorials. All restoration is done freely and volunteers carry out the work in their local communities.

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Latest donations

fiona 1 day ago
So grateful for your work.As the daughter of a Koran veteran(16th Field Regiment) William Glogoski I salute you all.Hope my donation helps a little.
The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Thanks Fiona! Much appreciated. The NZRA team

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust
Mel 3 days ago
Great work
The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Thanks Mel! - The NZRA team

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust
Matt N
Matt N on 18 Oct 2024
Keep up the good work!
The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Cheers Matt! Appreciate your ongoing support.

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust
MICHAEL on 10 Oct 2024
The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Awesome - thanks Michael, we appreciate your support. The NZRA team.

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust
fiona on 10 Oct 2024
So grateful for your work.As the daughter of a Koran veteran(16th Field Regiment) William Glogoski I salute you all.Hope my donation helps a little.
The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Thanks again Fiona, we appreciate the top-up from you. The NZRA team

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust

Who's involved?

The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Remembrance Army Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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