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Get The Old Ghost Road Across the Finish Line

$102,824 of $182,212 goal
Given by 427 generous donors in around 3 months

The Old Ghost Road will become NZ's longest continuous single track when complete. We need your help to 'Raise the Ghost'!


Some things matter. We, the Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust, believe The Old Ghost Road matters. With over 77km of trail formed through the wilds of the South Island's northern West Coast, we are tantalisingly close to completing and joining the two 'open ends' of the trail - in doing so, creating New Zealand's longest continuous single track for mountainbikers, trampers, trail runners and other recreationalists.

All that stands in our way is securing funding to complete the last few km's of the trail. $182,212 will see us clear and enable us to complete the project this year. Not securing this funding within the next 2 months will force us to 'stand down' and face the uncertain reality of our future. Not a place we want to go.....

So much has gone into this project - 7 years and 24,500 hours of volunteer time for a start - let alone the sweat and toil of our hardy team of trail builders and the amazing support of our existing project partners.

The community of Old Ghost Road supporters and users is wide-reaching and incredibly enthusiastic. If every one of our Facebook friends and project subscribers donated $100, we'd well and truly reach our goal. We know that some of you will be outrageously generous (and have been already), while others simply can't dig that deep. That doesn't matter - we are grateful for your support no matter what the sum.

In the spirit of giving, we thought we'd add a fun incentive for all: Everybody who donates more than $1000 will be entered into a draw for 1 hour of helicharter time for 4 people over The Old Ghost Road (provided by Karamea Helicharter), accommodation for 4 for two nights provided by Rough and Tumble Bush Lodge and shuttle transfers to and from Westport (provided by Hike n Bike Shuttles). This prize package is valued at more than $3,300. AND ALL donors will be entered into a draw for accommodation for four for two nights at the Rough and Tumble Bush Lodge. You are therefore entered into at least one draw, if not both.

Volunteers and goodwill have been the backbone of this project and have brought us further than we ever imagined possible. We now need to ask our supporters once again to rise to the fore and get us over the line. Please give generously and spread the word. By doing so, you will help us keep the dream alive by 'raising the ghost'.

Sincerest thanks, The Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust

About us

The Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust (MLBT) was established to create and operate The Old Ghost Road. Our aim is to assist in diversifying the region’s offering to visitors, celebrate its natural heritage, create economic opportunity, and ultimately reposition the West Coast as one of New Zealand’s must-visit regions for backcountry adventuring. Not only are we creating a recreational asset of significance, we are giving threatened wildlife throughout the area a helping hand via on-the-ground predator control efforts.

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Fundraising Update #9  29 May 2015

Welcome to what is likely to be the last update in our on-line fundraising quest to enable completion of The Old Ghost Road. Yes, that’s right, our Givealittle campaign is scheduled to draw to a close on Sunday 31st May 2015.

While still short of our ultimate fundraising target, we feel it is only fair to conclude this particular effort and undertake the prize draws.

This by no means signals defeat or cessation of our efforts. We will achieve our fundraising objective and complete The Old Ghost Road by some means or another! If you have ideas or a sponsorship proposition that may make this task easier, please contact us at

This campaign has been seriously humbling. Not just because of the amount raised and not just because that amount makes significant strides towards assuring successful completion of The Old Ghost Road, but because of the outpouring of encouragement and support that we have received. To all of you who have given money or words or both, we extend our sincerest thanks. It means a great deal.

And as one last challenge, how about we try and go out with a bang? We’re just over $4,000 shy of reaching a massive six-figure fundraising milestone - $100,000. What a celebration it would be to reach that target! If you feel you can contribute to this last challenge, then please donate here:

And a reminder that every donor goes into the draw for two nights' accommodation for four people at Rough and Tumble Bush Lodge and some exquisite backcountry meal packs courtesy of Absolute Wilderness. And for those donating $1,000 or more, you will go into the draw for an hour of helicopter time on The Old Ghost Road for four people (provided by Karamea Helicharter), plus transfers from Westport (Hike n Bike Shuttle) plus two nights' lodging at Rough and Tumble.

Thank you, The Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust; our magnificent project sponsors; our amazing trail workers; and our hundreds of remarkable volunteers.

P.S. Recent comments from some of our fabulous donors:

“Can't wait to see it all open. Well done to everyone who had the vision & have worked so hard.”

“I hope I get to make it down there and ride this thing. Even if I don't, I'm happy just knowing it's there.”

“This track is such a labour of love, adventure and passion! Love The Old Ghost Road, and we hope to continue to grow with its awesomeness!”

P.P.S. Photo credit - Stephen Draisey (volunteer) - Ghost Lake hut sunrise

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Thompson Family
Thompson Family on 31 May 2015
All the best on the mission to complete
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2015
Good stuff, keep it up
NZ Beeswax Ltd
NZ Beeswax Ltd on 31 May 2015
Keep up the good work, look forward to riding it one day.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2015
Tinta on 31 May 2015
Great work!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Old Ghost Road (Charity)
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This campaign started on 25 Feb 2015 and ended on 31 May 2015.