Our community's stray cats need our help!! With our new store, we will have a constant stream of funds to really make a difference.
We can’t save the world, but we CAN make a difference to the lives of our community’s stray cats.
Gutter Kitties covers the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast areas. We are the largest no kill rescue in Auckland, and we are proud of our current annual rescue average of 275 unsocialised street cats and kittens. BUT – we want to do better, NEED to do better. And to do better, we need your help!
By starting an opportunity shop, it means we can raise the funds we need to not only continue the work we are currently doing, but enable us to save more lives. We aim to set up a fund to help lower income families desex their own cats (something we cannot currently financially support), as well as desex, rescue and rehome more street cats desperately in need of our help.
We are fundraising for start up costs for our store, including purchase of display equipment, rent, insurance, and other set up costs. We are also looking for a business that would like to make a large donation towards our shop, becoming our main sponsor. Our store will be located either on the North Shore, or Hibiscus Coast.
With your help, we can, and WILL make a difference to those that really need it. Every dollar donated to help us open our store, also directly helps us be in a position to make a difference to those without a voice.
I am the founder and Chair of Gutter Kitties.
Gutter Kitties is Auckland largest no-kill cat rescue.
A non-profit Charitable Trust, we rely entirely on donations and fundraising to do the endless work we do to make a difference to those with no voice.