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Please help Caiden and his family

Update from Caidens Mum and Dad

  21 April 2023
Posted by: Jasmine Dell
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We would firstly like to thank each and every one of you for all your love, kindness, support and prayers. It has blown us away with how beautiful people truly are during the nightmare that we are living. You have all added so much light to our lives, and for that we are eternally grateful.

Since the last update Caiden has had alot of time in and out of Starship Hospital. He had to have a cyst aspiration/biopsy done because the fluid inside of his tumour was filling up with extra fluid, causing pressure inside his brain, and causing an increase in tumour symptoms. The risky procedure went well and they managed to drain almost all of the fluid from the cyst. However within a 17 day period the cyst has begun to fill up again. We are hoping that it will settle itself down and stop filling up so that Caiden doesn't need to go through another brain operation. The radiation effects can cause cystic fluid to become angry, and unfortunately this happened for Caiden.

Caiden had an MRI done on the 15th of April and it looks like his tumour is stable so far. Because he has symptoms reappearing every time he weans down on the dexamethasone medication it suggests he has Puesedoprogression or radiation necrosis. The oncologist is looking at trialing Avastin infusions to see if this can help Caiden get off the dexamethasone medication. The dexamethasone has been a godsend in many ways.... but it has some awful side effects too. Caiden has gained 25 kilo in 5 months, and because of the extra weight caused from this medicine this has meant that his mobility has been impacted too.

Caiden should be starting the PNOC022 trial on the week of the 2nd May. This is a combination of 2 drugs that will be used to hopefully prolong Caidens life. We hope and pray that a cure is found during this time so that our boy can live the long, happy and healthy life that he deserves.

Caiden has been so happy throughout all he has had to endure. He is always smiling and puts so much trust into mum and dad to make the best decisions for him. He has such a huge passion for birds and has collected 43 if his own! We hope that he can run around again one day chasing pigeons and ducks like he used to. He doesn't deserve a death sentence.

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