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$10,526 donated
Given by 159 generous donors in one year

Project Noah is the great challenge of fundraising for the Charity 's own suitable vessel.


"The Wish For Fish Charitable Trust is excited to announce the launch of 'Project Noah.'

Project Noah is the great challenge of fundraising for the charities own suitable vessel.

A goal of the Wish For Fish Charitable Trust is to purchase a suitable vessel to assist it in carrying out its charitable purposes. Project Noah is a fundraising project to assist with the Charity’s goal. When not supporting the charity, the Charity’s intention is for the vessel to be used for charters, Harbour cruises and other water experiences with all profits going back to the Charity.

Funds for Project Noah will be raised through a variety of methods including donations and sponsorships from individuals, businesses and community trusts. The Charity also contributes towards this project by organising and managing several events including fishing competitions and gala dinners.

We are grateful for any support big or small as we strive to achieve this wonderful community-based project.


About us

We organize charter trips for people with a variety of disabilities. The activities they can enjoy are harbour cruises and fishing . Allowing participants "to feel the sun on their face and the wind in there hair".

Use of funds

Funds raised will go towards funding the build of the project, any surplus funds will then be carried over and utilised for operating costs of the vessel.

Latest donations

Hunter on 22 Mar 2021
drew on 03 Mar 2021
DAvid & Rosalie Coupland
DAvid & Rosalie Coupland on 27 Feb 2021
I hope your dreams are realised soon
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jan 2021
Warren family KK
Warren family KK on 29 Dec 2020
Keep up the good work Bryce, Kim and crew, great cause.

Who's involved?

The Wish for Fish Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Wish for Fish Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 7 May 2020 and ended on 7 May 2021.