Bay of Plenty
This apparatus has been created buy a top bloke… Ray Lowe. Ray has designed this apparatus which will allow people with limited or no function the opportunity to fish. The striker includes all basic functions such as spool release, wind on command and strike. We are proud to be using a Shimano electric reel to support our striker. These pieces of equipment will be set up to support all clients of the wish 4 fish charitable trust and to facilitate the fishing activities, this piece of equipment has been exclusively demonstrated by the charity's founder Bryce Dinneen.
Our team will continue to develop this piece of equipment, also having the capability to support non verbal clients or clients there require voice activated systems as well, tailoring it to whatever people's limitations may be. Please give generously, thank you in advance
Wish for fish is involved in this project to support its clients and help facilitate salt water activities.
We organize charter trips for people with a variety of disabilities. The activities they can enjoy are harbour cruises and fishing . Allowing participants "to feel the sun on their face and the wind in there hair".
Funds raised from this give a little page will allow us to purchase parts and equipment which will help facilitate the plural of each wish for fish striker .