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Quadruplets Plus One

$4,074 donated
Given by 82 generous donors in around 12 months

Kendall & Josh are proud parents of 3 y.o. Brooklyn & newborn quads Molly, Hudson, Indie & Quinn. We are raising funds to support the family


**Please check the updates tab for the latest on our growing family! **

5 October 2018

6 weeks ago we were thrilled and blessed to welcome Molly, Hudson, Indie and Quinn to our family.

Our Story

Kendall, Josh and their 3 year old son Brooklyn were surprised, shocked and delighted when they discovered in April that they were not only pregnant, but were expecting quadruplets.

On 15 August 2018 all four babies were delivered successfully at 28 weeks and 4 days. The babies ranged in weight from 2.47 to 2.88 pounds.

The babies are currently in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Christchurch Hospital and are all growing and developing like champions.

Molly is the leader and has been the first to hit every milestone. Hudson has just graduated to breathing on his own without oxygen and has joined Molly in her room. Indie and Quinn are identical twins and are doing well together in their double cot. Every day is full on, it is often one step forward and two steps back for each of the babies - a real emotional rollercoaster.

All going well, the family hopes be able to go home in the next 6-8 weeks.

Why Set Up This Page?

With 5 children under 3 years old, Josh and Kendall need all the support we can give them. There are all the costs of getting ready for the babies to come home and then there will be the ongoing costs of raising their gorgeous family.

A few weeks before they found out they were pregnant, Josh and Kendall put in an offer on a 3 bedroom house to upsize for their growing wee boy and hopefully a brother or sister to come.

With the news that they would clearly need more than 3 bedrooms in the very near future, they let that house go and in mid-October will become the proud owners of a 4 bedroom house in Timaru.

How Can You Help?

Any assistance you can give would be much appreciated. An account has been set up which all donations will be paid into and all money received will go towards the care of Molly, Hudson, Indie and Quinn - and of course Brooklyn.

Follow us

Please follow our story on Facebook and Instagram: Quad Mum plus One

Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness, Kendall and Josh and our entire family are so grateful for all the love and support they have received.

Philippa Green's involvement (page creator)

On 15 August 2018 our family increased by 4 in the space of 3 minutes! We have set up this page to help support Josh and Kendall with their quadruplets and three-year-old son.

Use of funds

There are lots of things the family will need. Funds will be used for mortgage payments, funds for a vehicle big enough to fit 5 car seats and gear for 5 children. They will also need carseats, buggies, high chairs, cots, baby baths...etc. As the quads grow, there will be clothes, uniforms, bikes, sports. And of course there are 4 babies, a 3 year old, a Dad at work and one Mum with only 2 arms and 2 legs! The family will need support - people to help feed, bathe and care for the babies.

Latest update

Update image

We are all home and growing like superstars!  25 November 2018

25 November 2018

Thank you to everyone who continues to support Josh, Kendall and their family of 5 with donations and well wishes. The difference you have made has been enormous.

It has been a busy few weeks since being transferred from NICU in Christchurch to Timaru Hospital. Indie and Quinn were the first to come home while Hudson stayed in hospital to keep Molly company while she put on more weight.

In a wonderful act of kindness and generosity, Wheeler Motor Company helped Josh, Kendall and their family out with a 10 seater van which has just enough room to fit 4 rear facing capsules, a car seat for Brooklyn and all the gear you need when you go out and about with a family of seven.

Last week, while Molly stayed in Timaru, Hudson travelled back up to Christchurch with the rest of the family for a double hernia repair. He handled it like a pro and the support once again from Ronald McDonald House in Christchurch and the staff at Christchurch Hospital was fantastic.

On Sunday 18th November at 13.5 weeks old (2.5 corrected), all four babies came home. In amongst a full on two day photo shoot and then a magazine appearance, there has been no time for Josh and Kendall to catch their breath - or many hours of sleep! It is wonderful to have all the babies home together and to be able to start to find a new normal.

Please share this page so we can continue to support the family.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jan 2019
Don’t sweat the small stuff guys you don’t have the time . Save your energy for cuddles. All the best will look forward to progress reports from TVNZ.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Dec 2018
Maddy on 11 Dec 2018
Good luck! Beautiful family.
Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit on 09 Dec 2018
All the best for your quickly expanded family. PR
Shyla on 05 Dec 2018

Who's involved?

Philippa  Green's avatar
Created by Philippa Green
Kendall and Josh MacDonald's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kendall and Josh MacDonald on behalf of The MacDonald Family
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This campaign started on 5 Oct 2018 and ended on 4 Oct 2019.