Shelter Shelving Buster

$1,050 of $2,900 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in 5 weeks

Dunedin Night Shelter is raising funds to buy garage shelves to store donations for our guests and others in need in our Dunedin community.

Dunedin, Otago

The Dunedin Night Shelter receives amazing gifts of food, clothing and bedding from the Dunedin public, which all need storing for later use. Because of a recent bequest we have been able to build a new garage to house these items until they are needed. this garage is nearly built!!!

HOWEVER in order to make the most use of this garage space we need good sturdy shelving, that will last and make organising the space perfect! The cost is $2,800 to fully kit out our garage with shelves that we can fill with the wonderful donations we receive and pass on to our guests and others in need in our Dunedin community. We are asking for contributions (big or small) to enable us to bring all our storage items together. It's one of our biggest priorities because it means we can provide better support to those in our community who need clothing, bedding and food.

About us

The Dunedin Night Shelter Trust runs Dunedin's only night shelter. Started in 2007 as a men's shelter, demand from the community has seen it evolve into a facility supporting anyone in need of short-term emergency housing with a hot meal and a warm bed

Use of funds

$2,800 for garage shelves to store the wonderful donations we receive and pass on to our guests and others in need in our Dunedin community.

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Latest donations

Claire on 19 Mar 2023
Dunedin Christadelphians
Dunedin Christadelphians on 19 Mar 2023
Supporting Dunedin Night Shelter
Skye on 18 Mar 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Mar 2023
Smith on 17 Mar 2023

Who's involved?

Dunedin Night Shelter's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Dunedin Night Shelter (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2023 and ended on 31 Mar 2023.