Your support is critical for Anahata to stay alive and thrive

$27,131 of $27,000 goal
Given by 179 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help Anahata Yoga Health and Education Trust Stay Alive and Thrive

Takaka, Tasman


YOUR SUPPORT IS CRUCIAL IN KEEPING ANAHATA SURVIVING and enabling us to continue our important work in health, personal development, and environmental stewardship.

Over the past years, we have increased scholarship offerings, maintained affordable prices, addressed growing mental health needs, and trained teachers to empower their communities.

With rising living costs and the lingering economic and health challenges, your support is crucial for our survival and continued impact into the future.

At the heart of our mission lies the vision to nurture well-being, foster personal growth, and instill ecological consciousness through hands-on learning and inclusive yoga education, aiming to empower individuals to share these teachings within their communities.

To ensure our continued service, we seek your support. We invite you to become a MONTHLY donor; these contributions are vital for sustaining our mission. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a significant impact. New Zealand Tax residents can receive deductions for donations.

As a token of our appreciation, we offer access to an online resource featuring teachings and videos for calm, balance, and inspiration.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Swami Karma Karuna and the Anahata Team

About us

The Anahata Yoga Health & Education Trust is a not-for-profit organisation, with a vision of promoting health, personal growth & wellness. We are committed to providing accessible Yoga education for all.

Use of funds

weathering for the Winter months and the rest of the funds is to support our ability to give out scholarships and vocational training in the coming season, to purchase items for warmth, kitchen health and safety, garden and ideally if we meet our fundraising target, we will be able to build 3 more small cabins as the increased health needs has seen an increase in need for more private spaces which we currently don’t have enough of.

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Latest update

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We Reached Our Survive Goal🧡🙏🕉️  4 August 2024

Hari om !!!

We are so incredibly grateful to each and everyone of you! We reached our $27,000 survive goal and have been beyond inspired by your love, support and messages! Thank You so much!!! Come visit us soon online or in person. If you can spare a coffee or two a week, please consider setting up a regular donation through our general page which would help us a lot in the next stage of thriving into the future!! This can be done on:

Again, THANK YOU!!! May blessing or peace and prosperity accompany you.

Love, Swami Karma Karuna and the Anahata Family

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Latest donations

Christopher on 31 Jul 2024
Clare on 25 Jul 2024
Lots of love and hope to see you in person sometime, Karuna
Shantachittam on 23 Jul 2024
Gratitude for the gifts and experiences over many years.
Julia on 22 Jul 2024
I have never visited you but I would love to one day ❤️
Chrissy on 21 Jul 2024

Who's involved?

Anahata Yoga Health and Education Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Anahata Yoga Health and Education Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Jun 2024 and ended on 31 Jul 2024.