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Your support is critical for Anahata to stay alive and thrive

  • We Reached Our Survive Goal🧡🙏🕉️

      4 August 2024
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    Hari om !!!

    We are so incredibly grateful to each and everyone of you! We reached our $27,000 survive goal and have been beyond inspired by your love, support and messages! Thank You so much!!! Come visit us soon online or in person. If you can spare a coffee or two a week, please consider setting up a regular donation through our general page which would help us a lot in the next stage of thriving into the future!! This can be done on:

    Again, THANK YOU!!! May blessing or peace and prosperity accompany you.

    Love, Swami Karma Karuna and the Anahata Family

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  • Full MOON Gratitude Satsang, Yoga and Meditation TODAY 2pm NZT/12pm AEST

      21 July 2024
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    Hari OM,

    We are blown away by your support, the inspiring messages and love. As of wrtitng we are only $150 shy of meeting our survive goal!!! All because of each and everyone of YOU! We are humbled by your gifts.

    Some of you may have seen that we changed the goal from $108,000 to $27,000. The $27,000 was the survive goal to get through winter which you all have made this possible! The rest is what we need to truly thrive into the future, to make significant changes to support the team at Anahata, the needs of the land and buildings and hold the space in a sustainable way for all who come. SO please keep spreading the word and if you or someone you know could spare a few coffees per month to give ongoing support then please set up a weekly or monthly donations through our general page:

    and if you have bigger abundance to share to help us to create the future, please donate above or contact us on:

    Again, you are all amazing humans with big hearts. Lets keep shinning the light TOGETHER in these challenging times.


    Swami Karma Karuna and all of us at Anahata

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  • Goal Change

      10 July 2024
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    Namaste ALL,

    YOU have touched our hearts and as of writing, $14,897 has been offered in support of Anahata Yoga Health and Education Trust!!! This is allowing Anahata to survive the next 2 months. We have changed our goal to $27,000 (still a sacred number :-)) which will meet the SURVIVE part of our campaign.

    Until the 21st of July, donations are being matched by a generous donor, doubling your impact! Please help us raise another $4,827 in the next 11 days to be able to fully utilise the matched amount and avoid significant fees.

    Ultimately, $108,000 in total is still needed to meet the THRIVE part of our campaign, so we are still open to abundance of all kinds. When Anahata thrives, we can create a future that helps the environment at Anahata to be more sustainable longterm, we can nurture the team caring for it and we will be able to work on a more sustainable business model which ultimately allows us to offer more to our wider community far into the future.

    One step at a time, so please keep spreading the word and helping Anahata to survive!

    Biggest Gratitude to each and every one of you,

    OM Tat Sat,

    Swami Karma Karuna and the Anahata Family

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  • Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude XOXOXO

      3 July 2024
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    Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU from ALL of us here at Anahata, for each and everyone of you who has supported us by donating, attending the programs and sending messages of love and support! Please keep sharing to get word out. At the moment, every donation is being matched, meaning its potency is doubled! More ONLINE programs also coming up, see our web and every donation, gets a link to a gift of recordings of concerts, Yoga Nidra, Hatha Classes, Master Workshops and more!!! XXX

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  • Gratitude and Upcoming ONLINE Events Schedule

      25 June 2024
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    Thank You SO MUCH for the support and messages that are keeping us inspired and able to serve, love and give! We have several offerings including Yoga Nidra, restorative practices and 3 master Classes with Swami Karma Karuna ONLINE between now and 21st July and hope you can join us as well as spread the word to reach more people. They are also being recorded and put on the online platform which you should have received a link to access content. Email: if you didnt get that link. All times are NZT. Sign Up on LINK below.

    Tuesdays 25th June and 2nd , 9th ,16th of July 12:45-1:30pm

    Yoga Nidra

    Fridays 5:30-7:00pm 5th, 12th and 19th of July 5:30 - 7:30pm

    Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra

    Master Workshops and Classes with Swami Karma Karuna

    Saturday 29th June 2:00-4:00pm ONLINE and INPERSON

    Matariki (Maori New year) Setting Positive Intentions Workshop

    Wednesday 10th July 7:00-8:30pm

    Chakras and Tattwas (Elements) Hatha Yoga and Meditation Masterclass

    Sunday 21st July 2:00-4:00pm

    Guru Poornima FULL MOON Masterclass


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  • In Gratitude for Your Generous Support: Join Our Online Events

      18 June 2024
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    Thank you to everyone who has generously donated. If you are unable to join us for our residential weekend event from 21st-23rd June, welcome to join our exciting offerings via zoom.

    Sign up here:


    Friday - 21st June

    16:30 – 18:00: A gentle restorative and Yoga Nidra class to soothe the nervous system

    19:15 – 20:00: Satsang and Meditation with Swami Karma Karuna

    Saturday - 22nd June

    08:00 – 10:00: 108 Sun Salutations + Mantra Chanting – to invoke the nourishing qualities of the Sun within

    14:30 – 15:15: Online Concert with International Musician Prosad Freeman

    15:30 – 16:00: Online Concert with International Musician Shivam Rath

    17:00 – 18:00: Havan

    18:00 – 19:00: Kirtan

    Sunday - 23rd June

    08:00 – 09:30: Hatha Yoga class and Mantra Chanting with Swami Karma Karuna

    13:00 – 13:30: Yoga Nidra with Swami Karma Karuna

    Please find the link to the weekend registration and zoom access:

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    • 18/06/2024 by Anahata Yoga Health and Education Trust

      Looking so forward to sharing these events with you all XXX