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Supporting Cara Cameron through her cancer fight

Update on Cara

  10 June 2021
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Hi everyone,

It's been just over 3 months since Cara's diagnosis.

She's trooped through 8 rounds of chemo and 7 rounds of cetuximab and, despite there being some nasty side effects - continues to power through with a smile on her face. I think we all feel like we've aged 10 years in these past 3 months but Cara continues to keep everyone's spirits high with her unrelentingly positive attitude.

It was an anxious week of waiting last week as Cara had her 3 month CT scan which essentially gave a full picture on what exactly is going on in her body, after 12 weeks of intensive treatment. We are happy to share positive news in that Cara has had significant shrinkage on both her liver and bowel growths and there has been no further spread in her body.

While we are reminded that this is just the start of the journey, we are encouraged and over the moon to see some positive results for our lady. She will continue on with chemo & cetuximab and have another CT scan in 3 months. We will keep this group of lovely family, friends and kind strangers in the loop as we continue onwards and upwards.

Will be sure to shake Cara up a Pina Colada tonight to celebrate some happy news.

Lots of love,


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