SVSG Measles Prevention & Helping Hand Outreach

$5,200 donated
Given by 43 generous donors in 21 days

Please help us reach out to our families who have lost loved ones to the measles epidemic.


In response to the escalating measles crisis that is crippling our country to a state of mourning, Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG), in its role as a support service provider, is taking a proactive approach to prevent and to lend a helping hand.

Referred to as the ‘SVSG Measles Prevention & Helping Hand Outreach’, the aim of the Outreach is to prevent as much as possible the spread of the measles, especially to our underprivileged families.

This is through awareness raising in each families on the importance of household hygiene, how to care for the affected children, counseling for the traumatized children and their parents, and the provision of basic necessities.

About us

Samoa Victim Support Group is a non-governmental organization for victims and survivors of violence and the only provider of shelters for abused women and children in Samoa.

Use of funds

Awareness raising in each families on the importance of household hygiene, how to care for the affected children, grief & trauma counseling for the remaining siblings and their parents, and the provision of basic necessities.

Latest update

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The Road to Recovery: Samoa's Measles Epidemic  20 May 2020

With a total of 1,216 people from 140 families who have lost 70 children to the measles outbreak in November and December 2019 assisted by the SVSG Measles Outreach Program, Samoa Victim Support Group knew that the road to recovery to help rebuild our affected families, required kindness, generosity and hard work.

Throughout January and February 2020, SVSG hit the Road to Recovery, taking the Group back to the families who have lost children to the measles.

We saw how death had brought families closer together. There was an appreciative feeling towards life in general among families who have lost children to the measles, especially knowing how precious life is when seeing loved ones taken too soon.

For other families, there remain to be too many children not in school as the parents were not yet fully recovered as they were still in mourning. Even the children who were affected by the measles and have recovered still looked weak.

For 19 years old Noella Fa’atauu’u, who was 7 months into her pregnancy when she lost her 12 months old daughter Noel to the measles, we found her with another bundle of joy. She smiled to us through her tears when we visited her in February, as she cradled her 6 weeks old Baby Miracle. We could tell how Noella's newborn has helped her recover from losing her eldest child to the measles, despite the pain still visible behind her smile.

With time, wounds left by the departed children victims of the measles will heal. And through your kindness and generosity, we have paved the road to recovery for our affected families here in Samoa.

We pray for you and your families safety as we are faced with the global challenges of the COVID-19.

From your family here at Samoa Victim Support Group, stay safe and stay blessed.

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Latest donations

Georgia on 24 Dec 2019
Keeping you all in my prayers.
David on 23 Dec 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Dec 2019
All the staff from MBIE Christchurch
All the staff from MBIE Christchurch on 19 Dec 2019
From MBIE Christchurch to all the families that have been affected by the ongoing tragedy
Alistair on 17 Dec 2019
Keep up the good work

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, SVSG Samoa (Charity)
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This campaign started on 4 Dec 2019 and ended on 25 Dec 2019.