SVSG Samoa

SVSG Samoa

Samoa Victim Support Group is main service provider for victims and the only provider of shelter facilities for women and children in Samoa.


Since 2005, Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG) has been the main service provider for victims and survivors of violence, particularly for abused women and children, in Samoa. It uses a human rights-based approach to deliver its services of case management, court support, psychosocial support, residential care, and community engagement. SVSG is the only organisation in Samoa that provides shelter assistance for victims of all forms of abuse and neglect at its Campus of Hope.

The VISION of SVSG is that the victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and other forms of violence are well-supported, safe and in control of restoring their lives. SVSG seeks to protect and promote the rights of women, children and other vulnerable populations, specifically the right to be free from abuse. It believes that greater awareness of human rights will provide civil society with the knowledge and tools to ensure these rights are upheld.

SVSG’s Campus of Hope in Apia cares for around 100 women and children. These children range from new-born babies up to 18-year-old girls, children with disabilities, pregnant girls, abandoned children, and boys aged 12 years and under. Since 2005, SVSG has cared for around 150 pregnant girls, of which 85% were under the age of 15 years and victims of rape and/or incest. The Campus also delivers education and training. The School of Hope follows the curriculum of mainstream schooling. The Extension School Building provides activities like home economics and livelihood training workshops. This project is an extension activity.

On behalf of the SVSG Board, staff and volunteers, SVSG President, Siliniu Lina Chang, thanks you for your time to think about donating your funds to our cause. Your donations, regardless of the size, will help SVSG to continue delivering high quality services for victims and survivors of violence. These services include providing a safe and caring environment for abused women and children at the Campus of Hope.

More about us

Samoa Victim Support Group is a non-governmental organization for victims and survivors of violence and the only provider of shelters for abused women and children in Samoa.

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Latest donations

Malaga Tautua Team
Malaga Tautua Team 17 hours ago
Hands Up for LOVE 💛🙌🏼💛.
Heidi 4 days ago
Janet 5 days ago
With Love- will never forget you and your impact on the world and the lives of those around you.
Malaga Tautua Team
Malaga Tautua Team on 08 Feb 2025
Hands Up for LOVE💛🙌🏽💛.
Malaga Tautua Team
Malaga Tautua Team on 01 Feb 2025
Hands Up for LOVE💛🙌🏽💛.

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