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Tate & Joshua swimming across Taupo to Support Special Olympics

$2,926 donated
Given by 57 generous donors in 5 weeks

Support Special Olympics North Harbour and Waitakere Clubs


Tate and Joshua (both who are Special Olympic swimmers) are aiming to swim across Lake Taupo, that's a 33KM Marathon swim.

Tate and Joshua have been supported by Special Olympics North Harbour & Waitakere Clubs and now its their time to help raise funds to support all athletes in these clubs to attend the National Summer Games being held later this year in Hamilton.

The swim is weather dependent and there is an opportunity to Swim across in early April

Special Olympics North Harbour's involvement (page creator)

I assist in managing the swimming for North Harbour Special Olympics

About us

Special Olympics North Harbour has two athletes selected for the 2025 World Winter Games in Torino. This is a life changing opportunity for these athletes.

Special Olympics offers sports programmes for people with intellectual disabilities.

Use of funds

To Support Special Olympic Athletes to attend the National Games

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Latest update

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Taupo record swim  1 May 2022

The guys did such an amazing job swimming across Taupo, breaking records and raising funds for our National Summer Games in December. Congratulations to you both on your achievements.

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Latest donations

Phil and Susie
Phil and Susie on 29 Apr 2022
Such a great achievement lads. Well done.
Moose and Jazz
Moose and Jazz on 29 Apr 2022
Awesome swim by these lads and this is to allow others to achieve their dream
David on 27 Apr 2022
You guys are amazing and an inspiration to everyone, well done!
Special Olympics North Harbour

Thank you so much for your donation, it is really appreciated.

Special Olympics North Harbour
Lisa on 12 Apr 2022
Well done you are all amazing, good luck with the future
Janine on 10 Apr 2022
You both are amazing athletes with fantastic determination and courage. Loved your story on TV. Wishing you and your team the best of luck reaching your goal. Sturgeon Family

Who's involved?

Special Olympics North Harbour's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Special Olympics North Harbour (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Mar 2022 and ended on 30 Apr 2022.