The Givealittle Philosophy

We are an open access platform - we take no judgement on what you think is a valid cause for social good.

We believe donors know best - it’s your right to choose how you spend your money - you’re smart and you can use your heart and head when deciding to donate on Givealittle.

We love the crowd - we bring everyday Kiwis, from all walks of life together to fuel ideas into action, help out individuals in need and allow communities to thrive.

We ensure a trusted and safe environment - we moderate all pages created on Givealittle to ensure that they are not false, defamatory, or hate-speech. We also require that pages are clear in purpose, and factually true in content. We also validate all bank account details and verify all payees, and we use industry best-practice payment systems.

Ultimately, our focus is enabling social good - we think social good includes building trust, creating opportunity, improving self-esteem, and cultivating happiness – so, we help individuals and groups to come together to drive these goals.