Celebrating 5eptember! 5 years of our doors being open to all kiwis and planning for many more!
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Taranaki Retreat are celebrating 5 years of being open! 5 years of being there for those in our community going through tough times. 5 years of support from amazing people and 5 years of exciting growth!
During September we are hosting a number of events to celebrate Taranaki Retreat in all its forms and also to raise awareness of the need that is still with us. We work tirelessly to raise funds so that we can continue our life-saving work but after a particularly tough year we are asking for some help! We hope to find 555 amazing backers to keep our doors open and our support there whenever people need it.
You can donate to show how much you care and we would very much love you to become a regular supporter, one of our Shout Out Supporters (SOS) to ensure our work can continue. Make your pledge here (whatever you can afford will make a difference) and then head to our page here https://www.taranakiretreat.org.nz/sosform.html or simply set up an AP (and let us know so we can organise a donation receipt for you!) You can find our bank account details here https://www.taranakiretreat.org.nz/donate.html
Taranaki Retreat is an NZ Registered Charitable community organisation, here to provide hope and support when times are tough. Waimanako; is our drop-in space where you can come and get support, talk to someone or attend one of our workshops
All monies raised will provide suicide prevention support in our community and throughout New Zealand