Our "10kms for Ben May" event helps to raise epilepsy💜 awareness & funds and continues the plans Ben had started.
As many are aware, Ben had been planning an event prior to his untimely death to raise epilepsy awareness and funds for Epilepsy New Zealand, his chosen foundation.
In honour of him, we will continue his plans with our "10kms for Ben May event.
We're asking for everyone who would like to be involved to:
1. Walk/run 10km
2. Post a pic before/after/during with the #10kmsforbenmay or tag the "10km for Ben May" FB or Insta pages
3. Donate to the link for Epilepsy New Zealand, Ben's chosen foundation.
So please save the date - Saturday 26th March 2022💜 and let’s do Ben proud!
We so appreciate your support. xxxx