Average of 5k a day -- 2022 for the Mental Health Foundation and Dementia NZ

$2,046 donated
Given by 41 generous donors in one year

Running an average of 5km a day in 2022 for the Mental Health Foundation and Dementia NZ


As we know, to say mental health in NZ is a problem is a major understatement. Especially in the current climate, support is more important than ever.

This year I have decided to take on a challenge, like those struggling with mental health and people with dementia (and all their supporters) do every day. The plan is to RUN AT LEAST A TOTAL OF 1825km in 2022 (equivalent to 5km a day) and raise money for these two charities. Both these charities support things that are close to my heart (e.g. my Grandpa's recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's) and I hope that with your help we can allow these charities to continue to do their outstanding mahi (work).

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Latest update

Done and dusted  13 January 2023

The page has now closed and I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support for both me and the outstanding causes of the Mental Health Foundation and Dementia NZ. Together we raised $2046, half going to each. Thank you so so much again and I hope you have a beautiful 2023

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Alex & Tom
Alex & Tom on 09 Jan 2023
Pretty bloody amazing Lizzie! Love your work!
Matt on 08 Jan 2023
Remarkable effort. Stunning athlete, true competitor. Proud of ya Liz!
kirsten on 31 Dec 2022
so much awesome running for such a great cause!
Emma on 29 Dec 2022
So proud of you!!
The Ansell Family
The Ansell Family on 26 Dec 2022
What an amazing effort Lizzie, very impressed

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Created by Lizzie Ellis
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
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Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Jan 2022 and ended on 12 Jan 2023.