Supporting LANDSAR to bring home Jess O'Connor and Dion Reynolds

$34,131 donated
Given by 564 generous donors in 13 days

Showing our appreciation for LANDSAR and it's incredible volunteers in their search for Jess and Dion.

Nelson / Tasman

This page is to raise money in an effort to show the appreciation for the incredible efforts of LANDSAR in their search for my beautiful, adventurous sister - Jessica O'Connor - and her friend Dion Reynolds who have gone missing in the Kahurangi National Park. Since Monday LANDSAR have selflessly supported the search and rescue effort to return these beautiful souls to their family and friends.

Although this doesn't come close to repaying the work being done by LANDSAR - along with the Police, Defense Force and Fire Service - but I hope that it can at least convey the immense amount of gratitude of Jessica's family, Dion's family and all their friends. Please consider donating as an expression of thanks and to show your support for the rescue efforts.

We can take some solace in the commitment and hard work of the emergency response efforts and know that they are doing everything they can to bring Jess and Dion home.

New Zealand's caring, never-give-up attitude is encapsulated within LANDSAR - an organisation of volunteers who give up their time and put themselves in harm's way to undertake rescue efforts throughout New Zealand. Any donations you are able to provide will support LANDSAR in continuing to provide world class support to those of us that might find ourselves, friends or family ever requiring their help.

We hope and pray for the safe return of Jess and Dion.

Much love to all.

Dominic O'Connor's involvement (page creator)

Wanting to help give something back to LANDSAR who - along with the Police, NZDF & Fire Department - have been searching for my sister and her friend who went missing in the Kahurangi National Park.

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Latest update

Message of thanks from Jess O'Connor  29 May 2020

Where do I begin! Firstly, thank you to every single person that has been following and supporting this crazy story.

The community's love has been overwhelmingly beautiful and it just shows what we can do when we come together in a positive way.

What we went through is something that you never think would happen to yourself, but I am eternally grateful for the emergency response that led to us being found. At the end of the day we wouldn't be here if it weren't for the efforts of the Police, LANDSAR, Fire Service, Defense Force, all the volunteers, friends and family, donors and the power of positive energy. While I would never wish this experience upon anyone, there has been a lot learnt and I'm hoping to use this experience to educate others that explore this beautiful country.

I have so much gratitude for this precious life we all live and I just cannot express enough my love for you all. I could feel the positive energy and although it was difficult, I never lost hope. It really is amazing what you can do when your life depends on it!

Again, a huge thank you to everyone. This doesn't come close to repaying everyone for your support, but please know I will be eternally grateful.

Much love Jess xx

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Bernd on 05 Jun 2020
Tom White
Tom White on 03 Jun 2020
Thankyou SAR et al.
lynn on 03 Jun 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Jun 2020
Thanks for all your great work LandSAR
Jean on 31 May 2020
Thanks LandSAR

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Created by Dominic O'Connor
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This campaign started on 24 May 2020 and ended on 6 Jun 2020.