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Empowering people with complex chronic illness towards wellness

$2,805 of $2,500 goal
Given by 29 generous donors in 11 days

Fundraising to help empower people with complex chronic illness towards wellness


A real illness affecting real people.

Can you remember a time when someone didn’t believe you? How did that make you feel?

Many of the people with complex chronic illness we support experience this. For over 40 years, CCI Support have believed & understood.

It's estimated that complex chronic illnesses such as ME/CFS affects up to 20,000 people in NZ. ME/CFS is an abnormal immune system response to any number of infectious/ environmental triggers, causing long-term illness resulting in significant disability.

Our members learn ways to reach a healing state so that their bodies are in the best space to heal & cope with the impact of illness. Members experiencing pain & isolation, find relief, comfort from others on the same journey.

“From personal experience, it is devastating as a parent to watch your child suffer. I have spent over 10 years researching ME / CFS  & I can assure you that it is very real.” Emeritus Professor Warren Tate- Otago University- Father, Academic & Biomedical Researcher.

“ME/CFS has halted my life. I went from running Ultra Marathons & my job as a Nurse looking after others to spending days laying down. CCI Support has given me hope that I am not alone.”

“CCIS has provided strategies to lighten the load. Where I once felt overwhelmed & isolated, I now feel more in control and supported.”

Please will you donate today and help empower people with complex chronic illness towards wellness.

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Not long to go now. Please share this campaign!  12 May 2023

Posted by: Beverly Clunies-Ross

A huge thank you to our generous donors in this campaign. There are still a few more hours to go though so please share this campaign link with others as caring as you.

Today is World ME Day where we shine a light on an often brutal & disabling condition ME/CFS.

Our vulnerable clients/members will be touched to know you listened and you took action and supported this campaign to raise funds to help care and support them. Thank you for your aroha and generosity!

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Superpower Hour
Superpower Hour on 12 May 2023
Brent on 12 May 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 May 2023
Private matched
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 May 2023
Private matched
Gabrielle on 09 May 2023
$20 matched
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This campaign started on 1 May 2023 and ended on 12 May 2023.