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2014 Challenge

$3,670 of $10,000 goal
Given by 79 generous donors in over a year

Over the year 2014 I am challenging myself to complete several hundred kilometres on my bike.


I was diagnosed with a Brain Lesion in December

2012 Later it was found to be Cancer. I would like to show "Survivors" of Cancer, and any

other chronic condition,that it shouldn't hold you back.

Over the year 2014 I am challenging myself to complete

several hundred kilometres on my bike.

Latest update

Taupo-Rotorua Flyer, April 18, 2015  21 April 2015

Freezing cold and constant rain, but I still completed the 100 km cycle from Taupo to Rotorua. I'm sure I was near Hypothermic in the last 5km of the ride, numb fingers and feet, saturated right through, but that didn't stop me! I would do it all again.

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Margreet Frieling
Margreet Frieling on 01 Dec 2014
You're a real inspiration Louise. Wishing you all the best. Margreet (from your pregnancy aqua class)
Louise Curtis

Thanks Margreet! Wishing you all the very best also.

Louise Curtis
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Sep 2014
You are an inspiration
JMP Lisamore
JMP Lisamore on 21 Aug 2014
Best wishes for all your endeavours Louise. Your courage and determination are an inspiration to all of us.
Caroline Gordon
Caroline Gordon on 13 Aug 2014
Louise, keep up the inspiring work...every time I cycle (which is often!! ) I think about the 'year of cycling ' challenge you are undertaking...planning on joining you for Kapiti challenge. cheers Caroline
Karen Kyrke-Smith
Karen Kyrke-Smith on 07 Aug 2014
You are an inspiration to us all Louise and I wish you the very best in this endeavour and those that you face everyday. Best wishes

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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2014 and ended on 28 Jan 2016.