2015 Challenge

$775 of $10,000 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in over a year

Over the year 2015 I am challenging myself to complete several hundred kilometres on my bike.


I was diagnosed with a Brain Lesion in December 2012 Later it was found to be Cancer. I would like to show "Survivors" of Cancer, and any other chronic condition,that it shouldn't hold you back. Over the years 2014 and ongoing I am challenging myself to complete several hundred kilometres on my bike.

Louise Curtis' involvement (page creator)

I am cycling to raise money for the Cancer Society and Malaghan Institute, as they have helped me through my journey with Cancer.

Latest update

Tour De Whitemans: 6 Nov, 2016  6 November 2016

75km done and dusted!

3 times round the course.

After doing it once yesterday already I figured 3 times today was OK, and I felt a lot better than last year on this course!

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Latest donations

Janine on 22 May 2016
Louise Curtis

Thanks Janine for your donation. Very much appreciated!

Louise Curtis
Mari on 28 Oct 2015
Supporting you every km Louise! Love your work! :)
Louise Curtis

Thanks Mari for your support. Will miss your Sunday morning RPM!

Louise Curtis
Raelene on 29 Jun 2015
An awesome thing you're doing Louise! xo
Louise Curtis

Thanks for your donation. Hope to catch up soon. X

Louise Curtis
DTan on 29 Jun 2015
Sharon Gamble
Sharon Gamble on 28 Jun 2015
Sorry, can't be there today but what an awesome event for a great cause!
Louise Curtis

Thanks for your donation. Hope to see you maybe next time?

Louise Curtis

Who's involved?

Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Feb 2015 and ended on 28 Jan 2017.