Short term Pain for Future Gain

$50 of $6,000 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in around 8 months

I will be donning my wetsuit, bike and running shoes for Ironman Taupo for charity!


My name is Guy Hunt and I am aiming to raise some money for 3 different organisations by doing Ironman Taupo 2017. The entry fee has been paid, so all that is required now is for me to put my body through some tough training, warm up events and then complete the race, sounds easy!

This is my first Ironman Taupo which I am looking forward to with the aim of going as hard and fast as I can across the course, so why not do the race for a good few causes and raise some cash at the same time?

Guy Hunt's involvement (page creator)

I decided to raise money for these 3 causes as the future of NZ is dependant on the environment, our children and beating disease so even the smallest of contributions to these causes can go a long way to our future being brighter, smarter and better in all aspects.

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Myself on 18 Jul 2016
First test donation! Boom!

Who's involved?

Guy Hunt's avatar
Created by Guy Hunt
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 18 Jul 2016 and ended on 11 Mar 2017.