Can you help Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wellington raise 10k in 15 days?
Communities are stronger when the most vulnerable are cared for and supported. We need your support to increase our youth mentoring programme in Wellington by matching vulnerable children in our communities with a wise, safe and trusted friend as an adult role model. The Big Brothers Big Sisters programme supports positive relationships that are critical to childhood development.
For one hour, once a week our ‘Bigs’ and ‘Littles’ spend time together sharing hobbies, interests and checking out community locations. By simply showing up each week and being themselves, our mentors provide encouragement and promote confidence and build self-belief in young people.
For some of the children in our programme, the weekly interaction with their mentor may be the only time they spend outside their home or school, or are afforded the undivided attention of an adult.
Money raised over the next two weeks will be invested back into the Wellington and Hutt Valley community, supporting vulnerable tamariki and their whānau.
This is our first ever online appeal and we really need your help!
You only need to give a little, to change a life.
Watch our heart-warming video showcasing the impact a ‘Big Brother’ or Big Sister’ can have on a child’s life.
BBBS Wellington recruit, train and support adult volunteer mentors across the Hutt Valley and Wellington, matching them with tamariki (children) aged between 6 and 12 who are in need of a little extra support.
Still a bit to go.. 26 September 2022
We've still go a bit to go to reach our target. We've got $7k so far with another $3k to go. Can you help us. We would love for you to donate and/ or share our page. Our friends at Escape Mate has offered 2 free tickets to have a go at one of their Escape rooms to anyone who donates between now and the finish our online campaign on this Thursday at midnight. Can you help us achieve our goal of $10k in 15 days? Thank you
Thanks Jo! We really appreciate your donation.
Thank you so much for your donation. This is a huge help towards increasing our mentoring programme.
Thank you so much for your kind donation. This is a big help towards our mentoring programme.
Thanks Lions Club of Lower Hutt. We really appreciate your support.
Wow Wow Wow - a huge thank from us at BBBS Wgtn