Raising funds for an amazingly worthwhile charity.
Christchurch, Canterbury
Kia Ora!
It’s that time again!
After 3 years of shampooing, conditioning and brushing, I’m shaving it all off for the 5th time to raise funds, this time for The Ronald McDonald House here in Christchurch.
In the past, I have done this for cancer charities, however, over the past 13 years, our kiddos have all had a stay up in the children’s ward at Christchurch Hospital and we are very thankful we live locally - for those who don’t this house is a life saver, a home away from home and one less thing for whānau to worry about so they can concentrate on focussing on what’s important - their child/children.
I know times are tough, we are all struggling, but if you could just spare a little bit - it all adds up!
So, over the next few months I’m going to be asking for you to help me make some money to give to this incredible charity, I’ll be shaving my head again, on October 15th, in memory of my Gran.
I’ll be tempting you with cakes, coffee and my kids cleaning your car ….. almost anything to help the cause!