Janie's gone crazy for the "Mount Everest" challenge

$300 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 10 weeks

I'll be raising funds for the Tauranga Women’s Refuge to “Help stop the Violence”.

Bay of Plenty

Tauranga Women’s Refuge has been providing advocacy, information and support to women and their children experiencing domestic violence whether physical, psychological or emotional, since 1980.

Janie Verwey's involvement (page creator)

I'm challenging myself to climb the Mount 38 times over 50 days.

Please make a donation to my fundraising account and share my page with your friends and family too.

Latest update

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38 Climbs over 50 days  7 April 2017

It’s been a difficult challenge but rewarding in so many ways: seeing various sunrises and sunsets, meeting new people along the way and most of all committing to a good cause building on internal strength and encouragement to see it through.

Thank you for your support and donations.

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Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge 2017

The Mount Everest Challenge 2017. Help us to raise money for Tauranga Women's Refuge by climbing Mauao 38 times in 50 days.

Latest donations

Zainol on 08 Apr 2017
Well Done !!!
Christine on 07 Apr 2017
Awesome effort in the Rail, hail and shine Well Done :-)
Jack on 07 Apr 2017
Congrats on a great effort mate
Pam L
Pam L on 14 Mar 2017
Rudi on 20 Feb 2017
Good Effort. I am really proud of you!!

Who's involved?

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This campaign started on 15 Feb 2017 and ended on 28 Apr 2017.