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Let's get the Merivale community moving!

$1,080 of $10,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 14 days

We all like to embrace life and feel connected. Help our Merivale Community access enriching opportunities.

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

We all like to see thriving, vibrant communities where people are safe, connected, and can make healthy choices. We like to engage in activities that build strong relationships. We want to experience life and enjoy all it has to offer.

Merivale Community Centre supports local youth, individuals, families and whanau to access community activities, but we need your help to make more of this possible. We know that involvement in positive experiences can help people develop their self-identity, build connections, learn and grow, and simply have fun! Your donation will help get youth to sports activities or arts and cultural workshops, transport new mums or older people on an outing, showcase our region to new migrants, or transport emergency food supplies.

The Tauranga suburb of Merivale is an area of need with low household incomes, high unemployment, and a lack of access to resources. Transport is often a barrier for residents to join programmes or activities outside the immediate geographic area.

Your contribution will help towards purchasing a van so that rangatahi and tamariki, older people, young mothers, ethnic communities and more can improve their well-being and connection to others.

With the community behind us, we are confident that we will leverage support to raise further funds from additional sources. Contribute today, and let’s get the Merivale Community moving!

Merivale Community Centre's involvement (page creator)

We aim for a thriving, vibrant community capable of realising its potential where people are safe, connected & able to make healthy choices for themselves, their whanau & their community. The voices of tamariki & rangatahi are at the centre of our work.

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Latest donations

Superpower Hour
Superpower Hour on 20 Nov 2023
Sibylle on 14 Nov 2023
All the best!
$50 matched
Merivale Community Centre

Thanks so much for your support xx

Merivale Community Centre
Jan on 14 Nov 2023
$150 $50 matched
Merivale Community Centre

Thanks so much Jan. Great use of the Superpower hour to boost your donation too!

Merivale Community Centre
Rivka (Nomi)
Rivka (Nomi) on 14 Nov 2023
$10 matched
Merivale Community Centre

Thank you so much Nomi. Great to have your donation doubled!

Merivale Community Centre
Margaret on 14 Nov 2023
$200 $50 matched
Merivale Community Centre

Thanks Margaret. That's very generous and the funds will really help.

Merivale Community Centre
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 6 Nov 2023 and ended on 20 Nov 2023.