The month of November is Diabetes Awareness Month. So our family are going to wear One T-Shirt each for the month to raise awareness for T
Nina is 9 years old living with type 1 Diabetes. Meaning she is dependant on insulin for the rest of her life. There is no cure and she requires insulin injections 3 times a day to live normally.
1 in every 400 kids in NZ have type 1.
The month of November is Diabetes Awareness Month. So our family are going to wear One T-Shirt each for the month to raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes and raise funds towards Chasing a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes
Fundraising at Countdown East Rangiora on Friday 14th November 15 November 2014
A huge thank you to all of the people of Rangiora for your very generous donations. A total of $288 was raised. A big big big thank you to our family with all of the kids helping out yesturday. You guys were AWESOME!