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Chasing a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

$27,802 donated
Given by 273 generous donors in over a year

Help fund SCSNZ's Type 1 Diabetes cure research.


25,ooo+ New Zealanders have Type 1 Diabetes.

Testing, estimating, injecting, thinking, feeling, adapting. Type 1 Diabetes is 24/7.

There are no days off. Until there is a cure.

Help SCSNZ find a cure for this life-threatening disease.

About us

Since 1988, Spinal Cord Society NZ Inc (SCSNZ) has been working towards finding a cure for spinal cord injury and paralysis. The research laboratory in Dunedin has expertise with adult stem cells. While curing spinal cord injury remains the end goal for SCSNZ, the stem cell research has now diversified to search for treatments for other health conditions and is now focused on finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

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Update for 23/04/2013  23 April 2013

SCSNZ's national day is Wednesday 1 May 2013.

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Latest donations

Sanz on 30 Mar 2016
Donations rebate from my 2015 tax return.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Mar 2016
Funds collected from SCSNZ collection tin. Located at Bakehouse Lane Bakery, Orewa. C/O Mr Tan and Ping

Love the ongoing support from Mr Tan and Ping. They've been behind us for a few years now. Also, thanks to Moon, our star networker.

Private Donor
Private Donor on 29 Dec 2015
Keep chasing :)

Thanks Moonbeam.

Sanz on 15 Dec 2015
$50 won from Spark Foundation competition on Facebook.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Dec 2015    1 shirt 1 month 1 cure

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, SCSNZ (Charity)
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This campaign started on 9 Sep 2014 and ended on 4 Jun 2016.