Raise money for KidsCan with Daniel and The Real Consultants of Wellington Hills!

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Started 2 years ago

Participating in EY Step It Up


Lets raise as much money for the KidsCan Charitable Trust as possible! KidsCan is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading charity dedicated to helping Kiwi kids affected by poverty. They help tamariki experiencing hardship by providing food, jackets, shoes and health products to schools and early childhood centres across New Zealand. With these essentials, kids can participate in learning and have the opportunity for a better future.

Child poverty is a serious issue in Aotearoa New Zealand. The 2020 Child Poverty Monitor estimated that 235,400 children in New Zealand are affected by poverty: that’s one in five of our tamariki. The report also estimates that 150,000 (just over 13% of) Kiwi kids experience material hardship – meaning they go without six or more essential items such as having enough to eat, suitable clothes and shoes, a good bed and warm clothes.

All of this affects a child’s ability to succeed at school. Lets make a difference!

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The Real Consultants of Wellington Hills

Participating in EY Step It Up

Participating in

EY Step It Up

Step It Up is a month-long step challenge to raise money for the Ernst & Young, New Zealand (“EY New Zealand”) focus charity – KidsCan.

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Daniel Crompton's avatar
Created by Daniel Crompton
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 May 2022 and ended on 31 May 2022.