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Shave for Simon: Join the Fight Against Multiple Myeloma!

  • The time has come

      13 May 2024
    Main image

    So we didn't reach our goal of 5k but I will still go through with the challenge of "shaving for Simon"

    I would just like to extend my gratitude to those that have donated to a great cause.

    I'd like to invite Lisa Clarke to do the deed and those that want to can come along to witness the "Shearing of Shaun" a date will be confirmed. I'm the meantime if you are able to donate or please share the following link so we can make up the last of our goal of 5k

    Cheers again and I'll make sure we update the $5.00 Drive To Keep Simon Alive facebook page when the deed is done.

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    • 14/05/2024 by Simon and Libby Clark

      You're amazing thank you so much for doing this for Simon. We hope to be there so please let us know when this momentous occasion will be happening. Thank you again xx Libby and Simon