Support Team Unicorn on the TONZ!

$200 donated
Given by 1 generous donor in 9 weeks

Help Team Unicorn to reach $30,000! You can donate to individual's pages, or here on the TEAM page.


This is the team fundraising page for Team Unicorn. You can show your support for our team by donating here, or on any of the individual's page. Collectively, we're aiming to fundraise $30,000... Help us to get there!

The Tour of New Zealand kicks on on April 10th, and will see nearly 200 riders cycle over 500 kilometres across some of New Zealand's most stunning, but challenging terrain over 8 days. From Glenorchy to Wellington. Our team will experience an adventure of a lifetime and will need your support along the way!

Team Unicorn is made up of 10 amazing and dedicated individuals, and CEO, Michelle Sullivan who will be driving along as their support person. Give her a 'toot' if you see the Unicorn campervan along the South Island roads, or in Wellington!

The first time Unicorn Foundation NZ entered the TONZ in 2011, the team helped to raise enough money to establish a specialised PET-CT Scanner for the first time in New Zealand, which also assists Prostate cancer patients. This equipment for many kiwis was life-changing and life-saving. Imagine what we can achieve this time!?

Funds raised will contribute towards supporting clinical research, lobbying for funding and further treatment options to become available to NZ neuroendocrine patients, NET nurse services and building and supporting the NET cancer community.

If you wish to read more about Unicorn Foundation NZ or what neuroendocrine cancer is, please visit the website;

Follow the team's TONZ journey:

Unicorn Foundation NZ's involvement (page creator)

Funds raised will contribute towards supporting clinical research, lobbying for funding and further treatment options to become available to NZ neuroendocrine patients, NET nurse services and building and supporting the NET cancer community.

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Denys takes first place!   19 April 2021

Posted by: Neuroendocrine Cancer New Zealand

We weren't the biggest team on the Tour of NZ, but definitely a strong and dedicated team!

Congratulations Denys on the first place position! You were a well deserving category winner (as were all the category winners!) Also congrats to Kieran for his 4th place in individual men!

We hope our Unicorn Team have all had a well deserved rest over the weekend and enjoyed reflecting on the epic challenge you've just conquered!

Many thanks for the donations that are continuing to come in.

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Tour of NZ 2021 - Support Team Unicorn!

Team Unicorn are riding over 500kms across the South Island in support of kiwis who are affected by neuroendocrine (NET) cancer.

Latest donations

Incontinentia Buttocks
Incontinentia Buttocks on 21 Apr 2021
Biggus Dickus
Biggus Dickus on 21 Apr 2021

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Created by Unicorn Foundation NZ (Group)
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This campaign started on 29 Mar 2021 and ended on 31 May 2021.