That's How We Row!

$100,210 of $100,000 goal
Given by 335 generous donors in around 8 months

"That's How We Row" aims to raise $100,000 for the NZ Heart Foundation and increase awareness about heart health and to promote wellbeing.


Mark Taylor is leading this fundraising initiative after completing the Dans le Noir Harbor Swim last year and raising over $150,000 for the New Zealand Neurological Foundation. Mark, with the backing of Dempsey Wood, is back at it again to support NZ heart research and specialist training for NZ cardiologists.

With a neurological disorder affecting his mobility, vision and health, Mark initially struggled even to use the "erg" for training to do his swim. Two years later he is aiming to spend 8 hours in the seat, targeting 100km and $100,000 for the NZ Heart Foundation.

To support Mark, we have over ten teams from Dempsey Wood and some associated companies on the machines and providing physical and moral support, because... That's How We Row!

"That's How We Row" is a rowing challenge aimed at raising money for the NZ Heart Foundation and bringing awareness to heart health and promote wellbeing. Our Whānau has seen the effects of heart disease up close and is eager to reach the fundraising goal of $100,000.

Heart health hit close to home for Mark and Dempsey Wood in 2019 when one of our own experienced a heart attack on site. They are making a full recovery, thanks to the quick response of site staff and the care and attention of medical professionals but events such as this strike home. We need to consider the severity of heart health and this event has encouraged us to do more for the health of the ones we love.

Our teams of dedicated Whanau will be completing a 100km row on November 6th while at the same time sharing their inspirational stories and promoting weight loss and improved wellbeing. All proceeds will go directly to the NZ Heart Foundation.

Please help in any way you can. We will have multiple fundraising events over the next six months and encourage all the DW Whānau, their families and our wider community to get behind this great cause. Every 90 minutes a NZer dies from heart disease. Think about that and then give what you can afford. Ngā mihi.

Mark Taylor's involvement (page creator)

My family and friends have been impacted by heart disease and the health of our heart is something that we all need to take more seriously. I am organising an eight-hour rowing challenge to raise money and awareness around this great cause.

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Thank you!  16 February 2021

Wow. Once again we are overwhelmed with appreciation for our community. We set a lofty target of $100,000 set eight months and we made it thanks to you! With over 350 donors we managed to raise $100,210 for the great work done by the NZ Heart Foundation.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Adam on 13 Feb 2021
Good luck, all the best.
Jacinta & Eoin
Jacinta & Eoin on 12 Feb 2021
Great stuff Mark, your an inspiration!!
Direct Drains
Direct Drains on 12 Feb 2021
Well done another amazing effort!! Such a great cause!!
Holden Badge Auction
Holden Badge Auction on 26 Jan 2021
Janine on 24 Dec 2020

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This campaign started on 10 Jun 2020 and ended on 15 Feb 2021.