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The mighty mullet chop

$2,368 donated
Given by 37 generous donors in 8 weeks

Matthew chops his mighty mullet off after 9 years for his best mate Lynda Topp.

Methven, Canterbury

Matthew has known Lynda Topp from a young age. They have spent many hours together over the years out on the lifestyle block, chatting about hunting and rugby but the thing they love the most is spending time together creating fly lures. Matthew and Lynda are two peas in a pod when when it comes to the outdoors and fly fishing.

He looks up to Lynda as a special role model and as an important part of his family.

When Matthew learnt that Lynda had breast cancer he was devastated. Knowing the journey she was about to go on Matthew wanted to show his support and love.

Matthew has been growing his mighty mullet for well over NINE years - since the young age of 4. Matthew is known at school and within the community for his mullet and when encouraged to cut it off he would flat out refuse - a trim is the most that would ever happen. However, Matthew did not hesitate to ring Lynda and let her know that he was chopping his mighty mullet off for her - it was a very emotional conversation with tears shed by both Matthew and Lynda, and of course from his very proud parents.

The mighty mullet chop will be held on Saturday the 16th of July 2022 at the Topp Friends Dinner and Show findraiser held in his home town of Methven.

Please help a young boy raise funds and show his love and support for his amazing role model and great friend.

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The Final Product  17 July 2022

He did!! Everyone is so proud of his achievement! Thank you everyone, with the give a little page and other cash donations Matthew raised $3053!!

Thank you again for all your support.

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Sina on 14 Jul 2022
DavidH on 13 Jul 2022
Prestons on 11 Jul 2022
Sarah E
Sarah E on 30 Jun 2022
Well Done Grandson xx
Clare on 30 Jun 2022
Well done Matthew! Keep up the brave and kind work xx

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Created by Lynette Hawker
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This campaign started on 17 May 2022 and ended on 16 Jul 2022.