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Walking for a Safe Refuge for Animals

$4,227 donated
Given by 78 generous donors in 12 weeks

I'm walking for animal's safety, to be free from violence & abuse.

Hastings, Hawke's Bay

Support Clint Beckett in walking the distance of a marathon for Pet Refuge.

I am walking 42.5 km's up ,down & around Te Mata Peak, Havelock North.

Every year, thousands of New Zealand families are unable to escape domestic violence because there is nowhere safe for their pets to go. Pet Refuge provides shelter for cats, dogs, rabbits, birds and larger animals while their owners find safety so they can be reunited.

You can help make a difference to these animals & families. Support Clint’s fundraiser and help remove a major barrier for victims leaving abuse.

If you believe no animals should have to live with violence, donate today.

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And it is a wrap.  18 February 2022

And it’s a wrap. The walk went well all 42.9 km's & 72440 steps, the weather & temperature over night & into the early hours of the morning was pleasant . The first 10 km ( apart from the last 3-5 km ) was the hardest as just getting into your groove with your usual pain & then you just box on. Had my favourite *Magic radio station* playing to keep me company. When no music, I listened to our * Morepork * 🦉hooting away, which I love. I enjoyed my walk & the challenge. My page will be open for a few more days just in case anyone else would love to donate to my cause. I want to thank all of you for supporting Pet Refuge. How awesome is it that we now have a safe haven for the pets of victims of family violence. Please continue to support them if and when you can. They are essential to our families and their pets.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Mar 2022
Congratulations, well done & thank you.
Jan Marie Wilson
Jan Marie Wilson on 25 Feb 2022
Clint Beckett

Jan Marie, you are a star ⭐️ Once again you have supported me with causes I am passionate about, even after I have completed the walk . You have a big kind heart ! Big hug. On behalf of all the animals you will be saving from violence , thank you very much. Your generosity & kindness will make a difference . Clint.👣

Clint Beckett
Marissa on 19 Feb 2022
Clint Beckett

Marissa, Bless you ! And to donate after my walk , I am touched. It is people like yourself that help me decide to do these challenges for causes I am passionate about. Thank you to your whole family, so kind & generous. Marissa you are making such a difference with you donation & support for animals living with violence. Let's all keep advocating for animals & bringing awareness on these issues. Thanks for joining me on this journey . Clint👣👣

Clint Beckett
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Feb 2022
Clint Beckett

Wow indeed , You are a silent star⭐️ but shine ever so brightly that's for sure. Bless you ! And to donate after my walk , I am touched. It is people like yourself that help me decide to do these challenges for causes I am passionate about. On behalf of all the animals you will be saving from violence , thank you very much. Your kindness & generosity will make a difference. I am including my page update in your message JUST in case you did not click the update box. And it’s a wrap. The walk went well all 42.9 km's & 72440 steps, the weather & temperature over night & into the early hours of the morning was pleasant . The first 10 km ( apart from the last 3-5 km ) was the hardest as just getting into your groove with your usual pain & then you just box on. Had my favourite *Magic radio station* playing to keep me company. When no music, I listened to our * Morepork * 🦉hooting away, which I love. I enjoyed my walk & the challenge. My page will be open for a few more days just in case anyone else would love to donate to my cause. I want to thank all of you for supporting Pet Refuge. How awesome is it that we now have a safe haven for the pets of victims of family violence. Please continue to support them if and when you can. They are essential to our families and their pets. Clint. 👣

Clint Beckett
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Feb 2022
Awesome charity & awesome effort by yourself. All the best.

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Created by Clint Beckett
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Dec 2021 and ended on 4 Mar 2022.