Givealittle for Donors

If you’re here to donate, that's great! It’s people like you that keep the magic happening here at Givealittle. Let’s get started!

Your data, your choice
Obviously we take data security very seriously, but we're also big on privacy. You can donate anonymously if your want, or maybe just use your first name.
We give fundraisers the opportunity to communicate with you via Page Updates, which we forward on to you without needing to share your contact details with the fundraiser.
We also give you the option to share your email address with the fundraiser (and their payees if they are fundraising for someone else) but we won't share your information with anyone unless you say it's OK.

So many ways to donate
You can donate:

  • by credit card (either one off or regularly - weekly, fortnightly or monthly)
  • via Payroll Giving
  • using a Voucher (you can also give vouchers to other people!)
  • through your bank's Account to Account function
  • by setting up a Givealittle Wallet (topped up by your credit card to always have funds on hand to give)
  • Apple Pay and Google Pay

Stay in touch with the causes you care about
You can subscribe to page updates via Givealittle for the pages you donate to. Keep up with how things are going - without having to give the fundraiser your details.

Get Tax Credit receipts, where the recipient qualifies
When you give to a qualifying charity, you'll get a tax receipt from Givealittle to claim a 33% NZ tax rebate. All your receipts will be emailed straight away as well as saved on Givealittle, to make it easy to claim your rebate.

It's not just about donations
It’s not only your money that’s worth something, so is your voice! Let your friends and family know about the great cause you’re supporting by sharing a link on your Facebook or X (Twitter), or embedding a link on your website.
And if you think others need an extra hand to find out how great giving feels, how about gifting them a Givealittle voucher!

Buy Vouchers Explore & Donate