Since 1963 MS Waikato has been providing support services for Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease and allied neurological conditions.
MS Waikato’s services include support, education, information, advocacy, service–coordination, quarterly newsletters, support groups, exercise classes, library, social events and website. We are the only organisation operating in the area and provide services not available through the district health board. These services assist greatly with our clients health and wellbeing, enabling them to participate more in community life.
MS Waikato employs qualified staff and receives many of our referrals directly from the neurologists. MS Waikato strives to provide a service of excellence; our service’s are evaluated through regular client surveys with one usually conducted every two years. Feedback from these has been overwhelmingly positive both at an organisational and staff level.
MS Waikato provides support services to people affected by Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington's Disease and allied neurological conditions. Established in 1963 MS Waikato provides support services that would otherwise be unavailable to our clients and their families.
Our staff works closely with people who are newly diagnosed, supporting them with reliable, robust and up to date information together with symptom management strategies for themselves and their family. This is undertaken as soon as possible after a diagnosis, we continue with information and education whenever it is needed. We work hard to support our people when they are unwell, are often the link between them, the hospital and community services, offering suggestions and pathways for care and support. We support clients at appointments with health providers and other related organisations, like WINZ. Our clients are supported with all aspects of life that their condition may affect; sometimes this is through being an advocate with other agencies.
MS Waikato also provides education to other health professionals; offers in-service education to resthomes and community living homes and works hard to educate the general public.
Our service provision covers the greater Waikato and homes visits are provided as necessary from Whitianga to Taumaranui.
Thank you, John, for your kind donation, we appreciate your support.
Thank you for your generous donation
Thank you, your support is greatly appreciated.