Breast Cancer Support

Breast Cancer Support

We provide information and peer-based community support for women, men and whānau experiencing breast cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Sitting down with someone who understands can be reassuring and comforting when you've received a diagnosis of breast cancer.

When you reach out to us for help, you'll be welcomed into a safe and confidential community of support, acceptance, and aroha for as long as you need.

We hold a safe, supportive and healing space for anyone with breast cancer, their whānau and friends, and we're here to provide the support and reassurance needed to make sense of what's going on.

Whether that's short-term through diagnosis and treatment, or long-term support into recovery, we want you to know, you and your caregivers are not alone.

Breast Cancer Support has been helping women experiencing a diagnosis of breast cancer for over 40 years. Our trained volunteers have 'been there too'. We've had breast cancer, and can provide support and information from a positive personal perspective.

We have community support groups, a free Support Line (0800 273 222), and offer individual online visits (or in person by arrangement).

Your support of our work is greatly appreciated and can make a real difference in the life of someone experiencing a disease that affects around 3,300 women each year.

More about us

Because we’ve been where you are, we know that sometimes you just need support from someone who’s experienced breast cancer too.

We provide appropriate peer-based support for people of all ethnicities, through our network of Māori, Pasifika, Asian, and NZ European volunteers throughout New Zealand.

Our aim is to empower and enable those with breast cancer to make well informed decisions about their treatment, care, and recovery.

The support we offer is non-medical, practical (tips and tools), and has a focus on the emotional wellbeing of a person, with the four health pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā guiding our approach: taha tinana (physical), taha wairua (spiritual), taha whānau (family) and taha hinengaro (mental).

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Latest donations

Marie on 23 May 2024
I've been there too.
Breast Cancer Support

Thank you Marie - this is a very generous donation that will go directly towards our Buddy programme, matching a newly diagnosed person with one of our specially trained volunteers who has 'been there too'. We appreciate your donation more than we can say, and it will go a long way towards supporting our community. Thank you so much.

Breast Cancer Support
Swanson RSA women's Section
Swanson RSA women's Section on 29 Apr 2024
Donation from Swanson RSA Women's Section
Breast Cancer Support

Thank you so much for this wonderful donation - such a lovely gesture and will go a long way towards supporting our work for those experiencing a diagnosis of breast cancer. Thank you for thinking of us.

Breast Cancer Support
Kristeen on 04 Mar 2024
For our flyers, thank you
Breast Cancer Support

Thank you so much!

Breast Cancer Support
Marie on 23 Feb 2024
Congratulations on Web Page
Breast Cancer Support

Thank you so much Marie!

Breast Cancer Support
Rebecca on 26 Apr 2023
Breast Cancer Support

Thank you for your kind donation made in support of our work. We are most grateful.

Breast Cancer Support

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Breast Cancer Support (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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