Harmony & Hope Animal Rescue Trust

Harmony & Hope Animal Rescue Trust

We are a group of passionate volunteers with animal rescue, desexing and education at the forefront of our mission.

Bay of Plenty

Harmony & Hope is a non-profit animal rescue organisation that puts animal welfare first. We fight to rescue abandoned, neglected or abused animals within the Eastern Bay of Plenty and beyond, and rehabilitate them so they can find their forever homes.

Education amongst the general public about animal welfare & desexing is part of our mission. We help with community desexing & distribution of food when funds allow.

Where possible we take dogs out of Pounds across New Zealand and give them a chance at a new life. To do this we utilise foster homes, and volunteers.

We are constantly looking to expand- our long-term goal is to build a fully functional shelter.

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Latest donations

Cherry 3 days ago
Thank you everyone for your big hearts.
Amanda on 20 Jul 2024
Cherry on 17 Jul 2024
Thank you everyone for your big hearts.
Kristie on 12 Jul 2024
A small amount but hope it helps. You guys do amazing work xxx
Cherry on 10 Jul 2024
Thank you everyone for your big hearts.

Who's involved?

Harmony & Hope Animal Rescue Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Harmony & Hope Animal Rescue Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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