Head & Neck Cancer Support Charitable Trust

Head & Neck Cancer Support Charitable Trust

We would love your help to sustain our charitable giving for this forgotten cancer group.


Head and neck cancer is a truly horrible disease: painful treatment, disfigurement, loss of voice, no social eating, expensive dental work down the track and little recognition by society. Because of some fabulous treatments by our medical services, many of us are patched up almost good as new again but the mental, physical and financial strains remain.

We already give peer support to fellow head and neckers and we all love the supportive community we have created.

However, as we have grown from a Facebook group into a Charitable Trust, we want to help patients better. We have raised funds for patient packs consisting of a tote bag containing items a new patient might need to more expensive goods that might be a great importance to some families.

Our first major items at this level have been blenders for soft food eaters and dry mouth products like Oral 7.

Next on the list will be travel items like petrol vouchers, taxi and Uber credit and parking vouchers. We need to raise money for this and so in the months surrounding World Head and Neck Cancer Day (July 27) we will fundraise as much as we can.

How patients felt at diagnosis

“Shock. Half of my mouth was going to be removed.”

“But my kids are too young to lose their mum.”

“Thoughts of disfigurement filled my mind”.

“Shock and fear of the unknown.”

“Would my appearance scare my granddaughter?

“Maybe death would be a better option?”

“There was a 50/50 chance I wouldn’t be around in five years.”

“The ever-present difficulty of communicating with the world. It is very isolating.”

“A sense of self-disgust. Over half my tongue was going to be cut out.”

More about us

We are the only head and neck cancer charity in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Our aim is to support patients and whanau through all the stages of the cancer path. The charitable trust was formed in 2020 and sprang from an active private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/HNCSupport.Aotearoa started in 2016.

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Latest update

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Where our money goes  14 February 2024

The Head & Neck Cancer Support Aotearoa Charitable Trust is relatively new and was set up in 2020 just as the pandemic hit. It is also the only head and neck cancer support charity in New Zealand. Unlike breast, prostate, bowel and blood cancers, head and neck cancer awareness and funding goes pretty much under the radar. Because of this we are overlooked when it comes to financial support and our charity was set up to do our best to fill that gap and need. To date we have been operating on private donations from fellow patients together with their family and friends. Donors help us to offer practical support to some of our most vulnerable patients who might have little or no financial or emotional support.

We started providing patient packs for all new patients attending Multi-Disciplinary Meetings (MDMs) at Auckland Hospital back in 2020 as a trial and then branched out to Dunedin and Waikato and have recently added Christchurch and Hutt Hospitals as well.

Our goal is to continue extending our reach so that every patient in New Zealand attending an MDM will receive the pack and know right from the start, that as daunting and impossible that their treatment will seem, we are there to help with (and understand) the fear and anxiety that they are going to be experiencing.

Toni Davis

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Rachel 3 days ago
Tammy on 18 Jul 2024
Julie McCrossin
Julie McCrossin on 08 Jul 2024
Thank you for your great work to support patients and family members.
Joseph on 08 Jul 2024
Ian on 28 Jun 2024
I want to contribute to a very worthwhile charity that has given a lot of support to me.

Who's involved?

Head & Neck Cancer Support Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Head & Neck Cancer Support Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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