Heart Kids Hawke's Bay

Heart Kids Hawke's Bay

Help 200 Heart Families gain access to Family support and Events in Hawke's Bay

Hawke's Bay

Every week, 12 babies are born with a heart defect in New Zealand. Whilst there are surgical procedures that can improve the heart's function, there is no cure for a Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).

Heart Kids NZ is the only charity that supports Kiwi children and families affected by CHD, right through their life.

With no government funding we have to fund raise for all our services.

The Hawke's Bay branch of Heart Kids NZ is raising funds to provide our 200 families with access to Family Support Workers, financial aid and events throughout the year.

Currently we (the Hawke's Bay branch) do not have a family support worker and our goal for this year is to raise the necessary funds to provide the most basic of services to our Heart Families.

All the money that we raise throughout the year stays in the Bay allowing us to; send our Heart Kids to camp Brave Hearts (an annual camp for Kids with congenital heart defects), provide financial assistance to families going to Starship and provide access to support from other Heart Families.

Please give generously so we can continue to support our local families

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used to:

* Employ a Family Support Worker for our local Heart Families

* Send our kids to camps

* Provide local families with a support network with regular events throughout the year.

* Provide Financial assistance to those Families at Starship Childrens Hospital.

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Latest donations

Ken on 27 Mar 2024
Ian on 27 Aug 2023
Ken on 27 Mar 2023
Ken on 28 Mar 2022
Ken on 07 Mar 2021

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Heart Kids Hawke's Bay (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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