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Netsafe New Zealand

  • R:SCAM is Back!

      17 June 2024
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    Today, Netsafe New Zealand has entered the AI for good space to boost New Zealand’s anti-scam efforts.

    Our award-winning Re:Scam AI tool is back at It’s designed to waste scammers' time and keep them from targeting new victims.

    Re:Scam 2.0 is our custom artificial intelligence system, built by our data science, design and innovation teams, to engage scammers in endless conversations, making it hard for them to realise they're not talking with a human.

    By forwarding suspicious emails to, people can help disrupt scams, learn about cybercriminal tactics, and help Netsafe build our cyber smarts. See for more.

    Donate now and help Netsafe fund tools like RE:SCAM and continue to provide new ways to keep Kiwis safe online.

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  • Netsafe launches new flagship programme for kids

      9 May 2024
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    It's finally here!

    In response to growing concerns over New Zealand children's online safety in the fast-evolving digital landscape, Netsafe has unveiled its new, bi-lingual flagship programme Hector's World, to bridge the current gap in online safety education for vulnerable children aged 5-10 years, their teachers, parents and caregivers.

    Covering topical issues such as cyberbullying, privacy, digital footprint and balancing online and offline time, Hector’s World is a fun, animated series in English and te reo Māori, paired with educational materials to help children learn to navigate the online world safely.

    See the coverage on Breakfast TV here

    This project has been a significant undertaking for a not-for-profit, but with such a huge gap in resources to keep the 400,000+ children in this age range safe online, we felt compelled to act.

    We need your support to help get Hector's World into every home and every classroom in New Zealand!

    Head over to our dedicated Hector's World Givealittle page and find out how you can support this critical programme for our tamariki.

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  • Help us bring back Hector's World!

      4 December 2023
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    In 2024 Netsafe is bringing back our beloved Hector's World animated cartoon series and national online safety programme for children aged 6-10, and we need your help to do it.

    Now more than ever, it's crucial that we educate our kids on how to navigate the digital world safely. The series covers crucial topics such as personal information protection, recognising online risks, and responsible digital behaviour.

    Each episode presents scenarios that empower children to make informed decisions when using the internet fostering a positive and interactive learning experience.

    If you're a parent, carer, or educator, you will know just how much this is needed as a resource for the home and classroom.

    Netsafe is a not-for-profit charity, committed to creating resources for public good, but we need your support to make it happen. Donate now to bring back Hector in April 2024, with a whole new cast of friends and over 60 learning resources!

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