This page is to raise funds to support the on-going restoration, maintenance and operation of our collection of Railcars.
Manawatu / Whanganui
The Pahiatua Railcar Society Inc is a voluntary group of railway enthusiasts who's aim is to preserve, restore and operate historic New Zealand Railcars and other railway related items for future generations to enjoy.
The society currently has in its collection six ex-NZR Railcars:
Standard Railcars Rm31 (main line operational) and Rm34 (awaiting Restoration)
Wairarapa Railcar Rm5 (restoration nearing completion)
Silver Fern Railcars Rm1 (18), Rm2 (24) and Rm3 (30)
The Pahiatua Railcar Society Inc was formed to save, restore and operate ex-NZR Railcars.
SILVER FERNS ARRIVE AT PAHIATUA – 18/12/2020 18 December 2020
After many months of work by our team of volunteers both on-site at Pahiatua Station and behind the scenes organising the finer details of the move, today Silver Ferns Rm 18, 24 and 30 were transferred to their new home at Pahiatua with the Pahiatua Railcar Society.
This is an exciting new chapter for the Society, saving these iconic railcars for future generations.