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Te Kiwi Māia

  • New Merchandise Collection

      14 September 2024
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    Check out our new merchandise collection, inspired by the dedicated service of our uniformed professionals. These t-shirts and singlets are a tribute to your service - thank you for all you do!

    Purposefully designed for Te Kiwi Māia by Richie from Toiariki and Toddy from Playa Sportswear, this design embodies Dr. Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā wellness model. The model takes a holistic approach to health and well-being, centred on the four pillars of mind, body, spirit, and family.

    Want to personalise your T-shirt? You can have your name printed on the back! Just enter your name in the "Additional Notes" section at checkout. If you are ordering multiple shirts, please specify with which name should go on each size and style.

    Prefer a plain design? No problem - simply skip this step, and we’ll send your T-shirt without a name.

    Sport t-shirt sales are now open and will close on Friday, 4th October. Delivery of the t-shirts can be expected by 13th December. Grab yours now to support Te Kiwi Māia and be part of our journey

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  • Thank you for your kind donations

      16 April 2024
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    We extend our gratitude to everyone for their support. We are still getting feedback from our “Wellness Weeks," which have been made possible thanks to your generous donations.

    “The Te Kiwi Māia Wellness Week came on to my radar at a time where I was at an exceptionally low point in my career and personal life. Whilst I engaged traditional pathways for support, this initiative provided a concentrated and concerted event around which hope for change could coalesce. It seemed too good to be true: a week away at a beautiful retreat with leading wellness mentors and practitioners, and the freedom to focus on oneself exclusively. The organisers created a truly unique environment: a safe, accepting, and positive space where individuals had autonomy to engage with a variety of different approaches to help their own mental wellbeing. It was a powerful emotional experience, which has left a lasting impression on me around how I support myself, and correspondingly how we support others as leaders. I’m undoubtedly better for it, and the NZDF is extremely fortunate to have access to this avenue for support.” - NZDF PERSONNEL

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  • 2023 Te Kiwi Māia in review

      30 December 2023
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    Wow what a year! looking back we were able to accomplish a lot.

    - ran three wellness leaders workshops,

    - ran one wellness week for 12 first responders,

    - were the chosen charity for the PBI 61st NZ Firefighters National Golf Tournament - Thanks team!!

    - were a chosen charity in Celebrity Treasure Island - Thanks Wardie!

    - spoke at camps, bases, stations, conferences and functions across New Zealand

    - supported the inaugural Inter-Stations Relations fundraising event thanks to the Tauranga Fire Fighters - Thanks team!!

    - were selected for four Z Stations for their Good in the Hood campaign

    - applied for a a handful of grants and

    - got another year of sponsorship from Giltrap for our cars - Thanks Giltrap!

    Bring on 2024! Thanks for all your support.

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  • Thank you and Merry Christmas

      20 December 2023
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    Thank you for all your support and help spreading the word of Te Kiwi Māia, and for raising money for our first responders and NZDF personnel. We thought 2023 was going to be a big year, but 2024 is looking like it’s going to be even bigger!!!

    There’s lots we are excited to share with you.

    Thank you again to our team of incredible humans who help run our wellness weeks, our advisory group who keep us in line, and our wellness leaders for all your advice and help.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

    Lots of Love,

    The Te Kiwi Māia Co-founders

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  • Te Kiwi Māia Wellness Week - November 2023

      22 November 2023
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    Our third wellness week is underway where we have taken away 12 first responders and NZDF personnel.

    Thank you so much for your support and kind donations, it's a huge privilege to be surrounded by such incredible humans and to help them on their healing journey.

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  • The "Tauranga Firefighters Inter Station Relations"

      15 November 2023
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    There currently is a group of Firefighters in Tauranga training for a marathon. The "Tauranga Firefighters Inter Station Relations" and while training they are also fundraising for Te Kiwi Māia. Thanks team!!

    Check out their give a little page to see what they are up to.

    If you would like to donate toward this challenge please follow the link below.

    They currently have raised over $1000!!! - LEGENDS

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  • November 2023 Week

      16 October 2023
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    We at Te Kiwi Māia have been busy planning our next wellness week where we will be taking away NZDF and first responders for some much needed respite and rest.

    This couldn't be achieved without your support and love and we need your help! Can you spread the word to help drum up support for our first responders and NZDF?

    We have a give a little page set up - link at the bottom of this post where people can donate towards this wellness week.

    Our people need us more than ever.

    "This has to be the best course I have done in my career, I didn't realise how close I have been to burnout. I wasn't managing my stress and also how the way I was never letting go of work was affecting myself and my family in a very negative way. Everyone on your team had a massive impact on me and others on the course and I don't say this lightly it has changed my life for the better.

    - Hato Hone St John, Manager"

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  • Greg on his Tour de France virtual journey

      26 July 2023
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    A massive shout out to Greg Josephs who has been busy doing a 'virtual ride' with the Tour de France. This was to motivate him on his journey with the Invictus Games and also to help fundraise for Te Kiwi Māia.

    Covid didn't even stop this man! with the help from his partner who made sure he didn't push himself too much he was able to complete this challenge. Congratulations Greg, thank you for thinking of us and spreading the word of TKM.

    We just checked our GiveALittle Page and see you have made around $930 for TKM.


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  • Paraparaumu-man-cycles-alongside-tour-de-france-to-raise-money-for-te-kiwi-maia

      7 July 2023
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    Greg Josephs you are awesome!!! Thank you so much for thinking of us and helping raise awareness of what we do while you train for the Invictus Games.

    “I decided I’m not just going to get up and watch the Tour de France in the middle of the night."

    The idea of doing it came to him just the day before the race started, and he decided to also raise money for charity.

    He’s asking people to pledge just one cent for every kilometre he cycles – and all of the money raised will go to Te Kiwi Māia, a charity that provides rehabilitation, recovery and respite to New Zealand’s first responders.

    “When I looked at Te Kiwi Māia, I thought, ‘Wow, what an amazing charity’, because of the challenges the emergency services face - they can’t just go home and leave it behind, it’s always with them.”

    The charity is especially important to him as he is a logistics officer in the New Zealand Army, and Te Kiwi Māia works very closely with the military."

    To read more -

    For those wanting to donate and support Greg on his mission the link to our give-a-little is below.

    #Veteran #NZDF #Soldier #Firstresponder

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  • Te Kiwi Māia May 2023 update

      16 May 2023
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    We have been relatively quiet on this Givealittle page…. but, it doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. Since our Wellness Week last year in May, Te Kiwi Māia ran another programme in September 2022 for 12 first responders and NZDF personnel.

    We were able to create opportunities for rest and recreation, psychoeducation regarding mental health and wellbeing, provide our audience with the tools and skills required for building resilience, and for managing stress and burnout. This also provided a safe and inclusive space for strengthening social and peer support networks.

    We have had great results from the programmes that we run, and those that attended last year cannot speak highly enough of our course. A huge thank you goes to the team who worked tirelessly on creating our programme. Louise Morgan from Massey University, Rajna Bogdanovic from First Response Health, Lady Joanne Shelford, and our other incredible specialists. To the first responders/NZDF personnel who attended the programme – thank you for trusting us, and helping us shape the future of wellness in New Zealand.

    This year we are hoping to run another three programmes, where we can offer our help and support to more first responders and NZDF personnel in need. We are incredibly fortunate to have Wardie, who competed in this year's Celebrity Treasure Island, and won $10,000 for TKM. Also, to the Firefighters who fundraised another $10,000 from their golf competition this year in Taupō. This has set us up with a good amount of funds in the account, which we need to build on (and, if you would like to donate to the next Wellness Week or help in any way, please share the link to our Givealittle page).

    “The timing of this retreat could not have come at a better time for me after having a staff member take his own life 2 weeks before the course started, which was extremely challenging for me having to attend the scene and then manage and care for my team who attended their colleague. This has to be the best course I have done in my career. I didn't realise how close I have been to burnout (I think I was actually burnout 18 months ago) and how I wasn't managing my stress, and also how the way I was never letting go of work was affecting myself and my family in a very negative way. Everyone of your team had a massive impact on me, as well as the others on the course, and I don't say this lightly. It has changed my life for the better. The content was on point and exactly what we needed... what you are doing is essential and needed by First Responders in NZ, and is an absolute game changer in my opinion” - Leader’s Retreat, St John

    Thank you to all who have helped share Te Kiwi Māia’s vision, and those who have supported us, and helped spread the word. We set up Te Kiwi Māia because we could see a massive gap in first responder/NZDF care, and we are forever grateful to those who are standing with us, and helping us make a difference and move forward in wellness.

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    • 16/05/2023 by Ken

      So pleased to see such significant benefits arising with the help of our support.

  • Wellness Week May 2022

      2 June 2022
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    We have been planning for the past year our first wellness retreat where we take away some of our First Responders and NZDF personnel. With lots of help and advice from specialists, support from the organisations and fundraising we were able to take a group of 12 away last week to a gorgeous location for some much needed support and time out.

    We are so thankful and blessed to these amazing people who look after us daily, and to be able to look after them is why we set up in the first place. Thank you St John, Fire and Emergency and the Royal New Zealand Navy for trusting us with your people.

    Thank you also to our Give-a-Little supporters for your kind donations. We were able to put your funds towards this retreat, and we hope to be able to run another one before the end of the year.

    To our Te Kiwi Māia Pioneers - thank you for leading the way, embracing the week and helping shape the support and services we will provide into the future. It is an honour to have you as part of our Te Kiwi Māia Family.

    "For me this week was a godsend. I have been struggling like many others with maintaining positive mental wellbeing due to work stressors and have more recently been suffering the effects of burnout. This got me to a point where a month ago I couldn’t see how I could continue to be any part of this organisation without it destroying me or my family and was resigned to the fact that I would have to leave the organisation.

    Attending the Te Kiwi Māia programme has had a truly profound effect on my physical and mental wellbeing that is hard to put into words.

    I am now more positive towards change, feel more in control of my emotions and actions, more connected to loved ones, more resilient to trauma, more accepting of differences, a greater sense of self worth, and have had a huge improvement in my overall wellbeing.

    I feel the happiest and healthiest I have been in a long time which has definitely been noticed by workmates and more importantly my whanau.

    But best of all the week has taught me the warning signs when my wellbeing is regressing and effective tools and processes that with practice will help keep me well for years to come. " - TKM PIONEER

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

      1 October 2021

    Rebecca Nelson asked some local heroes to share what they think the public should know about mental wellbeing in their jobs. Join us this Mental Health Awareness Week and show your support to New Zealand’s first responders and NZDF by sharing this video and becoming a friend of Te Kiwi Māia here:

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  • Top Six - Westfield Local Heroes - Albany

      10 August 2021
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    Kia ora Team,

    Finally, we can announce that Rebecca has made it into the Top Six of Westfield Local Heroes, Albany Competition.

    The outcome of the community vote will determine the final 3 successful Westfield Local Heroes for Westfield Albany, who will each be awarded a grant of $10,000 for their affiliated organisations to continue their community work.

    If we are successful, Te Kiwi Māia will use the funds to take a group of first responders and New Zealand Defence Force away for a week of respite next year.

    We would love your help!! Spread the word to all your friends, family and community to help drum up votes.

    One vote per email address and it can be from all around NZ.

    Link below for voting details.

    A massive thank you to Megan and James for the nomination and to everyone else who was called on to help with references.

    Lets get this $10,000!!!

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  • May Update

      23 May 2021
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    Just like that we are already in May!

    We started the year off with a bang and were part of 'SeePort – Ports of Auckland' where we teamed up with the New Zealand Defence Force. Meeting crowds of thousands, we introduced them to who Te Kiwi Māia is and sold our cool merchandise. We were located in a side opening container, which we decked out with our merch, house plants and Harry & Larry (our Tactical Solutions models). Our favourite part was our photo wall where we had a variety of NZDF and first responder uniforms for children to dress up in.

    In March we held our second wellness workshop with our affiliated organisations, returning to the stunning Huntly House. It was great to have everyone back with some new faces involved as well (Auckland Rescue Helicopter joined us this time!). We were able to have an informative debrief about how each of the organisations are faring and where Te Kiwi Māia can focus our energy to assist. We had the talented Navy Chef Dani Swart helping to feed the troops, and were surprised by a quick pop in from the one and only Buck Shelford! We will be having another two more workshops this year.

    October this year will be the first ever ‘Armed Forces & Emergency Services Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition' where we are the chosen charity. Funds from the competition will be going towards Te Kiwi Māia, as well as money raised by individual competitors via personal Give-a-Little pages. We are really looking forward to supporting this event and watching everyone compete.

    Our T-Shirts are selling well and we recently released our pin and a wrist band, which you can purchase on our website.

    Thank you so much for all of your support for our people and their families. This year is going to be a big one for Te Kiwi Māia and you can expect to see and hear more from us in the media, raising awareness of why we have been established and what we hope to achieve in the future.

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  • Is there an event you've been involved in that you will always remember?

      19 February 2021

    We filmed Rebekah from St John and Barry from Fire and Emergency NZ back in June 2020 along with Josh (St John) and Cherie (NZ Army). We asked them all types of questions and this one was a tough one.

    We are very grateful to them for opening up to us and being so honest. Our first responders do so much to keep us safe and this goes to show they never forget.

    Thank you to all our first responders and NZDF personal for the job you do everyday!

    #NZDF #Firstresponders #NZPolice #FENZ #StJohn #WellingtonFree #CoastGuards #SurfLifeSaving #RescueHelicopter

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  • Merry Christmas

      20 December 2020
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    Dear Friends and Supporters,

    As we all start to wind down for Christmas, we just want to take a moment to say a huge thank you for your support over the past year. Whether you brought a t-shirt, shared our Facebook page, donated to us, or talked about our cause to friends and family, we are so incredibly grateful for your support.

    Even though it has been a challenging year, we were excited to achieve a big milestone by holding our first "Wellness Workshop" with our organisations’ wellness experts. We have some big plans for 2021 and will make sure we keep you updated.

    We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and take some time to rest, recharge and enjoy our amazing kiwi summer.

    A very special thank you to those who are working through the holiday period, doing an incredible job to look after us and protect us - we appreciate you all! The below quote really resonates with us, we understand the sacrifices you make and the challenges you face at this time of year.

    "This is going to be a tough week for first responders. This week we will respond to car wrecks filled with bodies and Christmas gifts, we will respond to cardiac arrests during family dinners, we will respond to suicides for the people where this isn't the happiest time of year. We will respond to drug overdoses, murders and sexual assaults......and when our shift is over we'll return to our families, act like none of it happened and try to enjoy the holiday season. Let's stick together this week everyone and be safe. " - DanSun

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  • Wellness Workshop

      23 November 2020
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    On the 9th/10th November we held our very first wellness workshop! We were very fortunate to utilise Huntly House as our stunning venue for this two day event.

    The purpose of this workshop was to bring wellness representatives together from across the various organisations in a unique opportunity to collaborate, share their knowledge/experience, find out what others are doing well and where they might be facing similar challenges.

    It was also a great opportunity for us to share our vision for Te Kiwi Māia and allow them to provide some guidance on the areas they see us being able to add the greatest value.

    This would not have been possible if it wasn't for all your kind donations. We really appreciate

    your support and help to spread the word of Te Kiwi Māia.

    Thank you to all who attended and for your outstanding contribution and making this an incredibly successful event.

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  • TKM Video - What do the public not release you go through everyday?

      26 September 2020

    Earlier this year we caught up with some amazing first responders & NZDF personnel for a Q&A session. Some of the questions were pretty tough and the answers were open, honest and raw.

    This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, so we are going to share some short video clips on the topic, featuring their stories, hearing about some of the challenges they face in their role and also finding out what techniques work well for them.

    Today's video features Barry from FENZ and Josh from St John discussing dealing with a traumatic incident.

    Thank you to the orgnisations for you support and to Barry and Josh for being apart of this. To Huntly house for sharing your beautiful home and to Fraser at 10,000 Dreams for filming.

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  • T-shirt pre-sale

      8 July 2020
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    We are just too excited to wait any longer! We have decided to take pre-sales on our awesome new TKM t-shirt.

    We reached out to the very talented artist Renee Thyne, who also happens to work full time in the Royal New Zealand Air Force. We gave her our brief and she came up with this beautiful design.

    "My idea for the design was to promote mental wellness. The helmets represent the heads of our responders and the heart not only represents the health of those personnel but the support of the person wearing the shirt.” - Renee Thyne

    Help us spread the word - tell all your family and friends! All profits go to TKM in support of our first responders and NZDF personnel.

    Thanks to everyone involved for making this happen and to our wonderful models from the RNZN.

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