NZ Riding for the Disabled (NZRDA)

NZ Riding for the Disabled (NZRDA)

Our purpose is to provide interaction with horses to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people experiencing disability or challenges.


We offer life-changing horse-riding and horse-related opportunities for over 3,200 riders each year. These opportunities increase the ability, independence and self-worth of children and adults with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges. Over 80 percent of our riders are between 5-18 years old.

We have three core programmes: Education; Therapy; and Sport and Recreation.

Ensuring safe equestrian participation is a highly specialised field at the best of times – and even more so, given the particular challenges our riders face. Coaches and volunteers are therefore an integral part of what we do ... we have over 2,900 volunteers and we place a very high priority on their recruitment, orientation and training, to ensure we deliver high-quality, safe and effective life-changing health and well-being outcomes for all our riders.

More about us

We provide high-quality training and support for 40 plus RDA groups throughout NZ. Our vision is to provide more riders with life-changing horse-riding opportunities and to enable them to increase their ability, independence and self-worth.

Use of funds

Your support provides consistent and equal access to training, advice and resources for all RDA groups, coaches and volunteers across the country – irrespective of whether the group is small or large (or in between) or urban or suburban (or rural). Your support ensures health and safety and other standards are met – and you are making a healthy, safe and positive difference to the lives of disabled children and adults (and to the lives of their families and friends).

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Latest donations

Matt on 27 Apr 2024    Stew Rides Again
Amazing achievement Stew, congratulations!
Jenny on 22 Apr 2024    Stew Rides Again
David on 25 Mar 2024    Stew Rides Again
You are a bloody good bloke Stew and we love you! Can’t wait to meet in person one of these days, amazing to think we still haven’t!
Jean on 25 Mar 2024    Stew Rides Again
You're an inspiration to us all!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Mar 2024    Stew Rides Again

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, NZ Riding for the Disabled (NZRDA) (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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