Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge

Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge

Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge is a charity working in Porirua providing services for wahine and their tamariki affected by Domestic Violence.


Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge assist women and their tamariki who are victims of Domestic Violence culturally appropriate services.

We provide a range of services:

* Emergency and temporary accommodation in a crisis situation.

* 24 hour 7 day per week Crisis line

* Community Support and Advocacy

* Support to access Counselling, Legal advise,

Police, WINZ and CYFS.

Te Whare Tiaki are also involved in raising awareness and training on Domestic Violence and are active members of the community supporting DV initiatives.

More about us

Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge is a not for profit organisation providing services for wahine and their tamariki in the Porirua, Wellington district affected by Domestic Violence.

Use of funds

All Funds will be used to supply 24 hour 7 days a week Crisis Services for Wahine and Tamariki. This will include providing a safe house in our community to ensure wahine and tamariki are safe from Domestic Violence.

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Latest donations

Bee 1 day ago
Julia 4 days ago
Private Donor
Private Donor 5 days ago
Anna on 20 Jul 2024
Bee on 12 Jul 2024

Who's involved?

Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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